Anyone Carry Toilet Paper With Them?

Apr 4, 2008
Going on vacation tomorrow and I'm thinking about taking a roll of this extra soft two-ply I rock with at home with me in my backpack. In case I need to fire one off in the airport or the hotel doesn't have what I need. Ain't nothing worse than that thin sandpaper you get at some of these value traps.
dude, just grab some tissue in small packaging n put them in left rear pocket, u get denim fades n a peace of mind.
wish i thought of that when I was at CVS buying contact solution.

**** it, I'm packing a roll of this extra soft in my backpack. come at me bro's. my angus gonna be angelic when i drop one off in JFK.

its not that bad. the worst.part is the smell. u gotta take a dump in one breath. br smells like stinky old option traders with hair in ear n yellow tinted old man smell colognef
wish i thought of that when I was at CVS buying contact solution.

**** it, I'm packing a roll of this extra soft in my backpack. come at me bro's. my angus gonna be angelic when i drop one off in JFK.

its not that bad. the worst.part is the smell. u gotta take a dump in one breath. br smells like stinky old option traders with hair in ear n yellow tinted old man smell colognef
gotta make sure I'm wiping quick like I'm covering into the dips
lace da bowl with equity paper, before the groceries create Theta Burn in ur orfice.
i find hotel tp's to be decent, unless you in some poverty hotel. I remember one time i was out of the hotel room and my boy was taking a dump in there. He ran out of tp and used like 5 pillowcases to finish wiping 
i work construction so i always at all times carry enough for 1 deuce in my back pocket because boys like to steal it out of the pottie things.
To get the ghost wipe, you need to be lined perfectly. u have to drink the night before and eat nothing but fiber. then when u poop i.comes out smoothe
lace da bowl with equity paper, before the groceries create Theta Burn in ur orfice.
i've got this garbage penny stock i been bag holding from when i first started trading, finna line the bowl with that paper

Where u goin op?
Costa Rica :nerd:

Damn bruh I know you don't know me like that but I would have rolled son dead *** :lol:

Guessing you flying with JetBlue to San Jose.

Make sure you hit up Del Reys though I didn't get to last time but I heard it is :wow:
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