anyone doing AT-HOME-JOBS?

Mar 5, 2009
Whats up NT.Anyone out there doing some of those at home jobs?Wifey is in school.I never sleep.So, why not make some extra dough whenever I can right?
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

wouldnt everybody do it then lol
YA THINK!your missing the point.Most of us have FULL-TIME JOBS.Im asking the poeple out there who are doing it one the side and have informationabout it..
you know whats good i make some good money. on saturday mornings go to yard sales, find some good deals on good items and turn around n sell em on ebay... imake about 100-200 bucks a week
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

you know whats good i make some good money. on saturday mornings go to yard sales, find some good deals on good items and turn around n sell em on ebay... i make about 100-200 bucks a week
this is what im talking about.....examples like these...thanks fam..

i laugh when i see these kinda ads...but some peopleare cakin off of it..
..gotta know all of the loop holes
Originally Posted by j671

Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

you know whats good i make some good money. on saturday mornings go to yard sales, find some good deals on good items and turn around n sell em on ebay... i make about 100-200 bucks a week
this is what im talking about.....examples like these...thanks fam..

this, but with craigslist.
I was at one point but the orientation software messed up my computer. I was going to be processing online orders and it was like 10.20 an hrwhich is great money for Oklahoma. Our neighbor's wife was heavy into thoe work at home jobs, always had 2 or 3 at a time, word processing, call centerfrom home work, or something so she was the one who gave me the link and put me on
My dad's coworker is an RN and she works at home. He says she earns bank by just making phone calls and other things. That's why nursing school iscoming in handy
and i think affiliate marketing is the way to go with an at home job, but you gotta know the craft and its hard b/c it seems like everything is a scam. i havea full time job, but whenever i want to, i get all my work done in no time and have most of the day to do whatever the hell i want.
thanks to all the contributors ..this is definently gonna me and other nt fam...thanks yall
I pm'ed a few of yall, because this is exactly what i been looking into for like a few weeks. It's hard to distinguish the real from the fake! Goodpost OP!!!!!
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