Anyone else feel like they haven't done enough in college?

May 4, 2009
I never joined a frat (neither good nor bad, but I feel like I'd have gotten sooo much more action had I did).

The friends I have aren't those life long connections I had hoped for.

The academics aren't fitting me very well right now.

I know they say "college is what you make of it" and in that case I haven't made much of it
I dont think enough in college, I would have liked to have joined a frat, but didnt but i made college the best time of my life the few friends i did make arefriends for life. With that said I wish I could have done more but it is what it is.
if it makes you feel any better I just opened the door to my balcony and hit myself in the face. Life is what you make it, there is no since in complaining,if you really want all these things then go out and take them!
I didn't join any clubs or organizations that would have helped with my major. So yes, I haven't done enough when I was in college.
Originally Posted by sharpstown07

Life is what you make it, there is no since in complaining, if you really want all these things then go out and take them!
you're right, but I dont even know what to do at this point. The generic answer i get is "join a club" but there's no club iwanna join or see that being the sole reason for my misery.

Any suggestions?
I haven't done much of anything either. just go to class and come home, i don't really care though cause I'm there for an education not to party
i'll do all that once I'm making money

with that said i might be transferring to University of Alabama so we'll see how much that will change.
Ya I feel ya. i feel like I havent made enough of my college life. There is sooo much offered to student here too. My first 2 years, I didn't even get goodgrades either but I've stepped it up now big time.

And i definitely agree with what was said about not having those "life-long friends."

Welll, nothing we can do about the past, so just try to get things on the right track while you still can.
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

damn, am I the only one sucking at life right now?

No, me too.
Never joined any clubs, or organizations. And it seems like all my friends are fading away.
3rd semester at my university, don't even know what I wanna do.
ppl who go wild in college are those away from home who were sheltered in highschool
none the less i partied hard in college
meh I don't think college is all its cracked up to be honestly. Yeah, there are girls everywhere, but most of them are not g/f material, atleast not to me.In fact, from my observations, it seems girls see college as a place to hookup more freely than guys do. They just go from party to party trying to get laidonly to wait until the next weekend when they can do it all over again.

As far as the friends thing goes, its tough because nobody wants to be the one to intiate a relationship with people of the same sex. Most of the people I havemet at school was through weed. Maybe a few from playing pickup ball, but I feel like almost all the people I know are people I buy off/smoke with.

IMO the best thing to do in college is to work part time. There is too much down time to do nothing, so might as well get money instead of being bored all thetime.
I feel the opposite that college really has nothing to offer me besides a piece of paper. I find myself so bored here. I'm in a fraternity and its lots ofcool people but being around the same people and girls gets old. I have some good friends from my chapter but its pretty cliquish (pledge classes mostly) andmy closest friends aren't even Greek. A lot of the people will make good future professional contacts though. I'm in a few student orgs but theydon't really do anything besides meet a few times and BS so its ehh with that. The only thing I really like doing is doing work at my internship andhitting up my favorite spots/new places around the city (DC). I meet more interesting people (especially women) that aren't from my campus that live, work,or chill around DC.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

I feel the opposite that college really has nothing to offer me besides a piece of paper. I find myself so bored here. I'm in a fraternity and its lots of cool people but being around the same people and girls gets old. I have some good friends from my chapter but its pretty cliquish (pledge classes mostly) and my closest friends aren't even Greek. A lot of the people will make good future professional contacts though. I'm in a few student orgs but they don't really do anything besides meet a few times and BS so its ehh with that. The only thing I really like doing is doing work at my internship and hitting up my favorite spots/new places around the city (DC). I meet more interesting people (especially women) that aren't from my campus that live, work, or chill around DC.
maybe now that i'm 21 i'll enjoy myself more because i was never into frats
I regret passing on a couple internships, not joining organizations earlier and not making the right connections earlier then I did.
I wish I could have done more too. Playing basketball was my life with practice starting the second day of school then season ending in March. School got outin May so that was only two good months to wild out. I hated it but it had to be done.
Start by joining some clubs/organizations that interest you. Also play intramural sports.

By just doing those things, you will gain more experience and meet a lot of people that you will probably keep in contact with.

My experience is college is pretty cool so far. All my friends I keep in touch with are people i met in clubs and such.

People in class are a good source for that class, but most of the time.. steady contact ends after the semester...

Girls are like you said... havent found "wifey" material yet but have a few sex buddies
co-sign. Maybe its because I live 10min away from my college that i just go to class and go straight home. Go home between classes and don't socialize muchin class either. Not in any frat's although a few friends have asked me to join. The only people i sort of socialize with are people from past groupprojects, etc...I stay close with my elementary/highschool friends so i dont really care if i haven't met any new life long friends in college although iwouldn't mind to. Networking is key in order to succeed and i don't feel i have done enough of that.
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