Anyone else have a Social Media Addiction?...

Jul 31, 2005
im beginning to think i have a problem. :lol:

i literally have to have my phone in my hand 90% of the day anyone else have this problem?

i dont even have to be active i just read tweets and look through instagram hashtags :lol:

its like i cant fall asleep without my phone literally under my pillow

im thinking about buying a prepaid flip phone to battle my addiction thoughts?

with all that said follow me :rofl:
@LeoTheGod6 IG and twitter the same :rofl:
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I'm slowly becoming more addicted to instagram, but It hasnt gotten out of hand tho. You need a hobby to eat up the extra time you have.
Most people I know have an addiction. They ask to hang out and they stay on their phone. What bothers me most is that they always bring themselves down when they look at other peoples pictures and lifestyle. They start comparing their lives to other people and it stresses them out.
Same here. 90 % of the day I'm on my phone either playing a game or on social media
Does Niketalk count? cause I stay on this all day, makes work go faster
NT and that's it. I got a twitter solely for RSVPs and I only keep around facebook to look at memes while I'm on the toilet
its not that i have so much time, if im walking i just scroll real fast and throw my phone in my pocket or i check the time by seeing if i have any notifications.
i really try my best not to pull out my phone at dinner or when im out with friends/family
im glad im not alone in this cuz i been trying to wean my self off of twitter lately
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At work I'm on NT a lot.

Don't post on FB much any more at all

Haven't posted on IG in like 2 months.

IDK... I've had IG since 2011 kinda got to be too much for me to keep up with.
im beginning to think i have a problem.

i literally have to have my phone in my hand 90% of the day anyone else have this problem?

i dont even have to be active i just read tweets and look through instagram hashtags

its like i cant fall asleep without my phone literally under my pillow

im thinking about buying a prepaid flip phone to battle my addiction thoughts?

with all that said follow me

@LeoTheGod6 IG and twitter the same
You're a contributor to the end of the world. I hate people like this.

But, no hard feelings bro!
I'm always on NT, reddit or 4chan. Deleted facebook off my phone and I never liked instagram. 
Facebook and Twitter only. Never gave Instagram a chance and I never will. I just recently deleted facebook off my phone and stopped looking at it while im at work. Been 2 or 3 weeks since I started doing this. Now, 7PM is the first time I log into facebook during the day to see whats up during the week.

Although yesterday I got a little faded and caught myself scrolling through Facebook on my iPad and Twitter on my phone at the same exact time. I said, o my god what am I doing. Turned both off and didnt look at either for the rest of the night. I'll chalk that one up to the Dwyane though, never again will i let that happen. Even though I wasnt completely sober I still feel ashamed typing that out.
Social media for me is for entertainment and for people who dont have my # to contact me.
my FB is dormant, hardly ever post on IG just look through it, and twitter I actually do use but never take it seriously with whats posted

Never have that feeling that I have to be on social media and post. When I'm occupied I stay off it and when I don't have much to do I browse around. I hate when people are always on their phone when they're out with me so I try not to do the same
its not that i have so much time, if im walking i just scroll real fast and throw my phone in my pocket or i check the time by seeing if i have any notifications.
i really try my best not to pull out my phone at dinner or when im out with friends/family
im glad im not alone in this cuz i been trying to wean my self off of twitter lately

Same here, I've become very self-conscious about being on my phone while I with friends/family. I make a conscious effort not to be on my phone when I'm in a social environment like a bar or party. It actually bothers me when I see people on IG or Twitter when they're out with friends, I don't understand why you would go on a social network when you're in a social environment. I'd go out on a limb and say anyone with more than 100k tweets is addicted to Twitter, there's no way you could amass that number without consistently being on it. I actually came across a really good video that discusses this, you guys should check it out.

The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.
Same here, I've become very self-conscious about being on my phone while I with friends/family. I make a conscious effort not to be on my phone when I'm in a social environment like a bar or party. It actually bothers me when I see people on IG or Twitter when they're out with friends, I don't understand why you would go on a social network when you're in a social environment. I'd go out on a limb and say anyone with more than 100k tweets is addicted to Twitter, there's no way you could amass that number without consistently being on it. I actually came across a really good video that discusses this, you guys should check it out.

The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.

pretty good video, really breaks down my exact feelings for making this thread.
I checked my data usage for the month of December.... 1.37 GBs on Instagram alone :smh:
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