anyone else here saving sex for marriage???

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

sex is a vital part of a relationship. saving it for marriage is setting yourself up for failure.

Its only important if you let it be. I understand in the Western world this view is commonplace but if both partner are in agreement to abstain then that erases it from relevance. Atleast, until marriage I suppose.
that's my outlook on it
I don't think you should, unless the guy is experienced. I do believe you should save it until you're certain he's the one.
The reason is, as NT pointed out in my thread a while back, that the first time is usually really awkward, and it might not "go well". If you'vedone it at least a little before your marriage, then you know for sure you're both compatible in that aspect, and it will be a great honeymoon.

But that's just my opinion.
IMO, I think it's best to do it before you get married, just to know what your getting for the rest of your life. I personally have experienced acouple of females that weren't smelling up to par and heard of plenty others with similar problems. That smell is definitely not something you would wantto be around
It's a little too late for me.
But I respect those that opt to makethat choice. It shows maturity, self-respect, and self-discipline. Very commendable.
i applaud anyone that is able to "save themselves"...

i have never been able too...
Thats like buying a car without taking it for a test drive first. And since the average marrying age is late 20s/30s...thats a loooong time to be waiting
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

sex is a vital part of a relationship. saving it for marriage is setting yourself up for failure.

thats all that really needs to be said...
I'm seeing alot of naive individuals in here. The top 3 factors of divorce these days..........

1. Money
2. Communication
3. Sex

You see how a person spends his or her money before you marry them. You see how well you and your partner communicate with each other day in and day out. Whyon earth would you wait till after marriage to have sex??
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

sex is a vital part of a relationship. saving it for marriage is setting yourself up for failure.
IMO, as much as respect, trust and love are paramount in a relationship, sexual chemistry is also as vital.

Yeah, I'd like to see one marriage that lasted over a year when they saved it.

Ricardo Kaka, one of the greatest football players in the world, the Brazilian.....he never had sex until he got married and look at him now.....his girl isbeyond fire
and my momma and daddy, and most of the adults I know. I dont think sex is that serious as some of yall are making it to be, but what do I know im a virgin. Imstill waiting though.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Sex isn't something that you are either good at or you aren't

If the sex sucks at the beginning of a marriage or the beginning of a relationship then you work on it. Simple as that. If you have to divorce someone because they aren't "good at sex" then you shouldn't have gotten married in the first place because you aren't/weren't reeady for the commitment a marriage takes.

That whole "what if the sex isn't good after you get married argument" is ridiculous if you ask me.

I can understand wanting to experience differnt people through life and stuff like that but "what if she isn't good" is terrible logic.

Trust, there are people out here who have been having sex for years and they still aren't very good at it.

I mean for us guys it's pretty much baddaboom badda bing. No real difference
Not at all.

Its only important if you let it be.

I'm seeing alot of naive individuals in here. The top 3 factors of divorce these days..........

1. Money
2. Communication
3. Sex

You see how a person spends his or her money before you marry them. You see how well you and your partner communicate with each other day in and day out. Why on earth would you wait till after marriage to have sex??

to use your logic. More and more people are getting divorces today than did before right? People used to wait to have sex before they got married so it wouldseem if you want a marriage that lasts, waiting would be the ideal scenario.

And when sex kills a relationship it is generally becasue before the couple was married they had a lot of sex then they got married and that wasn't thecase anymore. If you wait until you are married to do that, then you CAN'T have that issue.
Yeah, I'd like to see one marriage that lasted over a year when they saved it.

That's a joke right? Many marriages last when the people waited. It's the relationships that henge everything on sex that fail.

Of course all of this is easy to say in hindsight. had I known all of this before I would have made different choices.
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