Anyone else in the mid 20 Age group just feel a little out of place with things?

The best is my boy telling me he has more friends because he has 1400 friends on fbook...Dude add's random girls because "They look good" and dudes who he "rages with"...aka he met them once.
All of this frustration is surely coming from the people who have 500+ friends on facebook. Its one thing to have hundreds of friends, which most refused to grow up after high school, and its a completely different thing to only have close friends and family. During highschool, my newsfeed had exactly what you guys mention, immaturity, "f the haters," "F B-tches, get money," "im high as hell right now" and all of that other foolishness. Once i got tired of all that, i mass deleted alot of people i felt still live in that mediocre world. I've not seen an annoying picture of a girl posing while throwing up a middle finger since

It's actually pretty nice to conversate with old friends and family who have a similar mentality to your own.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i just caught myself being handsome

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

honestly, its this attitude thats gonna leave you husbandless at 38
What mind set, the mind set that you are shallow?

With dudes like you walking around perpetrating being a "man" being forever alone does not sound so bad 

*Hates facebook, goes on it every day and post gym pics*


i want for everybody to be witness that men too can be victims to petty %#*## behavior. Op wasnt even on the same tip he was on. Op talking about character. Club off the cuff gets into women.
Club tries to be that dude spouting the same tired argument about gassed girls like he's above it but he shows that petty side with just one sentence when she brought attention to it.
give this man a round of applause. Clap for him.

glad to see we're on the same page...

shoefreak makes great points but of course he just jumped to insults...
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i just caught myself being handsome



Some chick on facebook turned him down and instead of taking the L.

He comes up with this belief that it must be because she is getting gassed.

Oh no it cant be the simple fact that she just dont like you.

It cant be that you arent as hot as you thought. Reality check.

No flame 
I like all of the women on NT, truly.

Spoiler [+]

and Diego I usually just say things like that to get a rise (PAWS) out of NTers.

and it worked!

On you.

Color me surprised.
I have Facebook, that the only social network I use, and NT of course. I log into fb every once in a while and have 150 friends on there. Keep it real simple, check out what some close friends are up to, have some laughs or whatnot and im out. Like with everything in life, use with moderation.
Finished college and got a multimedia degree but never got into, got into a car accident a week before graduation and lost my car, blew all my money for graduation gifts over the last year while on and off bummin in but am finally turning things around. Getting healthier, changing my state of mind and trying to focus on positivity. Gonna start looking into local culinary programs around as cooking has always been my one true passion.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

What mind set, the mind set that you are shallow?

With dudes like you walking around perpetrating being a "man" being forever alone does not sound so bad 

*Hates facebook, goes on it every day and post gym pics*


i want for everybody to be witness that men too can be victims to petty %#*## behavior. Op wasnt even on the same tip he was on. Op talking about character. Club off the cuff gets into women.
Club tries to be that dude spouting the same tired argument about gassed girls like he's above it but he shows that petty side with just one sentence when she brought attention to it.
give this man a round of applause. Clap for him.

glad to see we're on the same page...

shoefreak makes great points but of course he just jumped to insults...
my man ruffled a feather with the women of NT 
I'm 20 and in the same exact boat, my peers just annoy me so much with all this "twitter, fb, instagram etc" they don't care about anything else except clothes.
Always following every single trend...smh
I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

Thats some truth right there, this thread is pure truth

just turned 24 today.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Ive felt out of place all my life age wise.
this so much. When I was younger and especially now I'd much rather hang out with some older people passed their 20's. So much more mature, intelligent (in most cases) and fun.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

25 years old here.

Bro, I literally agree with EVERYTHING you said; and I've felt this way for the past 3 years.

This new generation; the ones born from '90-'95 & beyond - are trend followers and have no sense of originality. They live their life on social-networking. A lot of them have no actual competent real-life social skills. They can't wait until they do something cool, just to take a picture of it and tell the world they've never met; how cool it is.

%@## that. These kids are mad lame these days, I feel bad for them to be honest. Growing up in the 90's myself, I really appreciated the time when fun-times were organic, and kept internally with those who witnessed it first-hand.
man, so much real life in this thread, I agree with everything you just stated.

I'm 16 and being in high school you have no idea how often I see it. It's as if people don't do things for fun, but to be able to take a picture post on Facebook and be cool. One perfect example is parties and beer pong, I don't even go out often but man, everybody is drinking taking pictures, instantly posting to FB, instagram. It's like man, get that the hell out of here, I'm trying to have a good time and who knows maybe someday run for president.

This especially is a huge factor which saddens me. Teens nowadays cant carry themselves like men, they believe doing drugs, drinking, having "SWAG," is the most important thing n the world. They don't know how give a firm, professional handshake, speak for an interview, hell even speak to hold a nice conversation.

I'm really jelly I wasn't born in the 80's so I could enjoy the 90's more. Honestly though, If you guys didn't know my age I'm sure you would all think I was much older.

edit: also, I don't usually post on Facebook, the main reason why I go on is to laugh at peoples ignorance, stupidity, and egoistic people. Thank god my parents raised me better.
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Finished college and got a multimedia degree but never got into, got into a car accident a week before graduation and lost my car, blew all my money for graduation gifts over the last year while on and off bummin in but am finally turning things around. Getting healthier, changing my state of mind and trying to focus on positivity. Gonna start looking into local culinary programs around as cooking has always been my one true passion.

Are you in the right thread bruh?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by Ice Shattered

I'm 24 and sometimes I use the "Enh,our older brothers and sisters, mom and dad said the same thing about our generation and there generation too" but lately I honestly think the 90-95 birth years are doomed 

They are. Guess what they have to look back on when they get older?

Social networking....lulz.
 I love these threads, cause it is just the same cycle that happens for every new generation. This generation is doomed, the past was so much better nonsense. I'm probably gonna say the same stuff 5-10 years down the road though, so hey.

I do agree with the OP though. There are a lot of kids in my generation that are obsessed with social networking and fishing for likes on facebook with "LMS if you ______"

I only have a facebook and I post maybe once ever other week. I'm way more worried about my undergraduate engineering curriculum than my facebook and other social networks including NT.  I feel like I have my priorities straight and that I have a bright future.


I'm almost 20, so I guess I'm doomed right 

Originally Posted by KMante

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by Ice Shattered

I'm 24 and sometimes I use the "Enh,our older brothers and sisters, mom and dad said the same thing about our generation and there generation too" but lately I honestly think the 90-95 birth years are doomed 

They are. Guess what they have to look back on when they get older?

Social networking....lulz.
 I love these threads, cause it is just the same cycle that happens for every new generation. This generation is doomed, the past was so much better nonsense. I'm probably gonna say the same stuff 5-10 years down the road though, so hey.

I do agree with the OP though. There are a lot of kids in my generation that are obsessed with social networking and fishing for likes on facebook with "LMS if you ______"

I only have a facebook and I post maybe once ever other week. I'm way more worried about my undergraduate engineering curriculum than my facebook and other social networks including NT.  I feel like I have my priorities straight and that I have a bright future.


I'm almost 20, so I guess I'm doomed right 

yea, thats definitely a possible argument which makes sense.
16, so doomed as well.
Originally Posted by grandtheftbike

i guess i was kind of late going into the social networking scene. created a fb account back in 2010 and deleted a year later based on all the crap i saw and my disinterest to post something. social media is just not made out to be for everyone.  NT is all i need

This man said it best NT is all I need.But I feel you op. I get your point I personally don't understand how you just put your business out there or you love your life through fb or twitter. It's also cuz they are different generations and times change.
Not completely related to the topic, seems like most people have a hidden agenda nowadays.

Sometimes to the point where you can't really trust them. Especially see this on social networking.
Im 19 so not quite on the same level as you cuz I grew up wit this stuff, at least it got huge when I was in junior high so when it really counted. I still agree wit you tho man it's all stupid. I dont even go on FB anymore its pointless. People should be productive rather then go on there
And you could even say goin on NT is a waste of time but honestly I learn so much on here its crazy, learn a lot of news, politics, and different cultures perspectives on things which helps me be more understanding for people
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