Anyone else NEVER get headaches?

Mar 30, 2004
Everyones always complaining about getting headaches, and I can honestly say I don't know what one feels like. Maybe I do get them but I just don't realize that it's a headache? Even when I'm hungover I don't have any pain in my head, just nauseousness. Anyone else in the same boat as me? Everyone looks at me like I have 5 heads when I tell them idk what a headache is
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

not headaches, but no matter how much i dring, i never get hangovers...and i always wake up early 
I have that same problem of waking up early. I hate it.
yeah same here, never got a headache before.

probably get a stomach ache like 2x a year.
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

not headaches, but no matter how much i dring, i never get hangovers...and i always wake up early 
Me, too.
Dudes be telling me I'm not drinking enough, but I've blacked out on my own puke and still Diddy-bopped the next morning likenothing happened.
If it's a super power, s___ I'll take it.
As for headaches, I don't remember the last one I've had.
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