Anyone else post count still missing #member since 2001 but feeling like a newb

Nov 28, 2002
Am I the only one that got there profile switched over but post count and history didn't update??
^^good looking famb. It's not like it the end of the world lol. But I've contributed, did buying and selling, helped a lot of folks out so I feel like I'm a part of the niketalk history know what I'm saying. I'm pretty sure some could care less (just assuming) tho. Hopefully it does. Thxs again bro.
I lost my whole account! Tried logging in... Kept saying my user name was not valied!!! Somebody help
Yup, here too. Could care less, I know I've been here and hopefully helped some people over the years. I would like to be able to sell stuff on here but I'm not in a rush to sell anything now. Oh well, the post to join date is pretty hilarious.
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