Anyone else use women deodorant?

Originally Posted by SharpiePoint

Why is women's deodorant stronger? And deodorant is deodorant, it's just labeled men and women because it's lucrative to make gender specific products.
only someone who has never used women deodorant would say something like this

Powder fresh scented>>>>>>>>>____
I need to try this. I usually get flare ups. I currently use the Tom's joints. They sting at first but then it's cool for the rest of theday.

this is what i use, great stuff NT, natural and works great
guilty of using Dove before

but now I'm back to regular deodorant without antiperspriant
iIremember back when I was in high school I didn't have anymore deodorant so I used one my mom's secret and was smelling like flowers all day atschool
lol i thought i was about the only person who uses girl deodorant, My cousin told me he uses it so im like w.e. it does smell good and works like a charm
I use dove ultimate cucumber and green tea
everytime I ran out of my regular, I used my wife's deodorant and stayed fresh as ever. It's been confirmed. lol

I'm using Mitchum unscented clear gel now, doesn't contain Alcohol so let's see how this go.
wow. First kilts, now this? (i understand the medical thing but some of ya'll purposely coppin cuz it smells better?)
Secret Unscented. OD fragrances and chemicals in most male deodorants kind of grosses me out to just apply directly to my skin
lol my home boy use to use secret after his +#@@ got messed up. I rock wit Gillette tho. U ABSOLUTELY cannot switch brands ever. been using Gillette since Iwas a kid
I might steal one of my mom's....

My regular deodorant is basically finished and I don't feel like going to the store. Will see how it goes tomorrow
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