Anyone else watch almost ZERO television? I think I'm at 1 hour or less per week

I dropped TV like......3 months ago?

I haven't caught up on any shows since then my TV is used for the 360 only which is seldomly played nowadays
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Im addicting to late night talks shows, even if its some @+!$%@ guests on I still watch

This + community/lost/inside the nba
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Only thing I watch on TV is my favorite sports teams. Everything else is a severe waste of time.

I'd agree but I say almost everything show on TV is a waste of time IMO.

Aside from the Lakers and Dodgers and Football on Sunday (we have no team in LA so I only watch about 20-25 regular season and playoff games) and some of the News (usually MSNBC to know what 90% of NTers who participate in political threads will be saying the next day. I also do not need to watch Fox because the most outrageous stuff they say on there will end up here or on MSNBC). Aside from Sports and News, Breaking Bad, Madmen , Tru Blood and Stossel, Libertarian John Stossel's weekly program weekly discussion show, are the only shows that I plan on watching whenever there is a new epsiode.

If I am not working, playing sports, hiking, kayaking or otherwise out of the house or socializing I get most of my screen time with video games and "the internets." When I was recentl playing Resident Evil 5 on Campaign co-op one of my friends had the computer speakers o nand was commenting on the game with MS Sam voice type to talk (the same voice that is used on Arby and the Chief for "Mastur Cief")

I will watch a few shows incidently, usually late at night if I cannot set up anything for the night with anyone else. I have seen a Few Jersey Shore, Real House Wives of Orange County (there actuall yare women like that here in SoCal. It was bad a few years ago when they would all drive SUV's and lots of them would take money from their husband or parents and bu ya house and sell it for a profit and the ywould then talk about them selves, amongst their girl friends like they were serious businesswomn, who outsmarted the market and who built up the business from the groun up, I would over here them around my town and in bars in New Port) and Locked Up Abroad.

I don't know why I watch more than one episode of Locked up Abroad since every epsiode is the same. You could do it all with this mad lib: 

I wasn't happy with things back in (cloudy and cold and oring but first world place). I was so happy to be in this (Tropical Country)" "I was approached by a (nationality) gentleman. I purchased a ticket from (Third World City) airport. I (verb)ed the (drug) to/in/into my (body part/orifice or type of luggage) my bag. I was so (adjective) going to the airport and I wanted to (verb) but I just tried to look (adjective) and (verb)ed. They called my name at the (noun) just as I was about to (verb) and get on the plane I got on the plane. The guards (verbed) my (noun) and they really aggresively (verbed) my (noun) and found the drugs in my (noun) and also some more of it in ballons that I jammed up my (body part). I was (some sort of restriant put the cops in this crap hole cannot afford hand cuffs) up in back (any vehicle except a an actual police car) and taken the worst (prison/jail/dungeon) in (some third world group of countries). I did (3-12) years in that place and learned the language and meditated and now I am so glad to be back home and I live everyday (to its fullest/ with so much regret/never thinking of the past/on day at a time.
I thought TV was a waste of time so I dropped it and now the Internet wastes all my time... Need to stop web surfing so much.
i catch the office and sunny and thats it. well, sprinkle some sportscenter in there
basically my laptop has replaced the tv. but when LOST comes back, best believe I'll be back watching the tube again.
Internet killed television lol. I just hook up my laptop to the TV if I want to watch shows/movies/whatever or I'll just watch them on my laptop.
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