ya get a qrt. of some tree, roll up & just relax.

when i need to think some things out ill go to a place w/a dope view or somewhere on the bay & just blow a blunt to my face & contemplate.

life is a beautiful thing, it is what you make it to be.
---- This is gonna be a long type, but OP if thats how you really feel about life you should read this ----
most of it is just what pops into my head but there is and endless amount of info i can tell you

The point of life is to continue life.
you are born, you grow up, you reproduce.
Marriges, jobs, money, etc. are all man made.
We are just like any wild animal, except civilized.

99.99% of the worlds population will never know the true meaning of life.
If this is really how you feel, you should try and go find out.
There is a lot to be known.

There is only one life to live. And people are "content" with normal lives.
Which you hate your job, etc... One Life you should make it mean something.

I smoke and think about this all the time, one thing i'd suggest is you try shrooms,
(just chill outside) it will completly change your view of life.
I'm not settling for just a regular job, ever since i realized about "life"
my life has completly changed, it's a long journey, but everyone should
have an epiphany, the world would be much different.

Everything is controlled by the government, they know and do stuff we dont know about
I'd suggest you educate yourself. I will stop here, go out and appreciate life.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

I swear, the only thing that has any meaning to my life right now would be to and three way with Hayden Panettierre and Lauren Conrad naked...
So having a three way with them with clothes on was an option?
Originally Posted by kEnn E

i get it now.

1. take shrooms
2. change life
3. take acid
4. advance.
You could skip #3 unless you had a bad trip on shrooms

but those are the steps to take
Acid results in a pretty decent trip. Not too powerful, but very long. The only downside to shrooms is the stomach ache but damn I have had some fantastic and some torturous trips.
I see what you mean OP. I hate the fact that we have to work 40 hrs a week to earn a living, 40 hrs a week is too much. A standard full time week should only be about 25 hrs a week for full time employees. As a society we shouldn't have to work so much.

I can't see how some people work 50+ hrs, that's crazy. I did that for a few months and it sucked, felt like I was throwing my life away to working. I know a lot of people feel me on this....
It has no meaning because you lack purposes. Once you find a purpose , life will start to get better
life has it's ups and downs. But at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it for anything or for anyone elses life. Look at the bright side you'll be dead a lot longer than you'll be alive. Perk up.
Originally Posted by dunks87

life has it's ups and downs. But at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it for anything or for anyone elses life. Look at the bright side you'll be dead a lot longer than you'll be alive. Perk up.

When I'm at my best that's how I feel but there are times in which the day to day ignorance I see affect my life becomes too much to bare.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

It doesn't. Try to find a way to enjoy it anyway.
Life is only what you make it cuz.

I don't see a real point. I think we're just animals like every other living thing, just "advanced".

I make the most out of every day though.
damn, my dude I've been tryina explain this to everyone for the longest but nobody wants to listen to me

As humans everyone we think highly of ourselves, like we're "special" or the "chosen species to rule over this world"....nah man we were just first on "this planet"
to develop a subconscious and communication as far as language. We just happened to be naturally selected through evolution, $h!+ for all we know felines could have taken our place like Avatar. That's basically what they were trying to explain subliminally in that movie but not a lot of people caught on. I just smoke my dro, live by the 48 laws of power, murphy's law and the Qu'aran. Not knowing what tomorrow brings, but knowing what I can bring to it.

Purpose and Meaning in life is so vague and interpretive in life that it can honestly be absolutely meaningless and purposeless. Anybody can give it any meaning or purpose according to themselves and human beings as a race. Learn about "The Secret" and how powerful the mind is, because your mind shapes the world around you.

"There is no Universe without a Mind entering into it...." -quote in which I forget who wrote it
As Bill Hicks said..........It's just a ride.

Get out there and experience and enjoy the world as much as you possibly can. Have fun, carve your own path.

Obviously that's easy to say and harder to do. But essentially that's the theory that gets me through.
Your right OP your life means nothing so just off yourself.....jk jk but like everyone else said life really doesn't have a meaning so just make the most out of it while you can fam
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

It doesn't. Try to find a way to enjoy it anyway.
Life is only what you make it cuz.

I don't see a real point. I think we're just animals like every other living thing, just "advanced".

I make the most out of every day though.
damn, my dude I've been tryina explain this to everyone for the longest but nobody wants to listen to me

As humans everyone we think highly of ourselves, like we're "special" or the "chosen species to rule over this world"....nah man we were just first on "this planet"
to develop a subconscious and communication as far as language. We just happened to be naturally selected through evolution, $h!+ for all we know felines could have taken our place like Avatar. That's basically what they were trying to explain subliminally in that movie but not a lot of people caught on. I just smoke my dro, live by the 48 laws of power, murphy's law and the Qu'aran. Not knowing what tomorrow brings, but knowing what I can bring to it.

Purpose and Meaning in life is so vague and interpretive in life that it can honestly be absolutely meaningless and purposeless. Anybody can give it any meaning or purpose according to themselves and human beings as a race. Learn about "The Secret" and how powerful the mind is, because your mind shapes the world around you.

"There is no Universe without a Mind entering into it...." -quote in which I forget who wrote it
How can you say we're merely advanced animals that can talk, but you follow the Qu'ran? Linguistic developement is a big part of Islam....a lot of Islamic scholars link the development of our languages as the connection to the god itself....notice I refer to god as an entity rather than personifying it....which is another part of Islam...and a flaw of religion in general (personification of god).

At the end of the day ONENESS makes sense scientifically and spiritually so I'm comfortable with that.
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

It doesn't. Try to find a way to enjoy it anyway.
Life is only what you make it cuz.

I don't see a real point. I think we're just animals like every other living thing, just "advanced".

I make the most out of every day though.
damn, my dude I've been tryina explain this to everyone for the longest but nobody wants to listen to me

As humans everyone we think highly of ourselves, like we're "special" or the "chosen species to rule over this world"....nah man we were just first on "this planet"
You all need a bible lol..... and I can see that you aren't a believer, in that case shouldn't you know we where no where near the first on "this planet" according to science.

life is good. just think of all the people who are less fortunate than you are and you quickly realize how valuable life is.
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