Anyone ever go to school high under the influence of cannibis?

I'm going to make it clear that I go to a university. In high school which was 3 years ago I didn't smoke.
***Watches thread from a distance...loaded

I smoke a bowl before every first class of the day.

I just helps me get a jump start and a good feeling about the day to come
Only did it during my high school years. Haven't tried doing it in college yet. LOL
But, with me I would just space out and feel as if evryone was looking at me!
We used to smoke in the field by the bleachers at lunch time. All the rockers used to kick it there and smoke so we used to just go there. I swear I used tounderstand things better in class. The only thing is that I used to get a little paranoid. Good times in high school.
when i was in high school my whole 9th and 10th years i was blowed 90% of the time
Goin to school, hittin the buddah behind the bleachers
Comin to class high, sellin the lie to the teachers

but nah, i dont smoke
No problem in grade 9, but things got complicated as the years went by. Had to make a choice between herb and school. I picked herb.

I never had to pay because I had the car. Hosted some legendary hotboxes in my day. (Ozium is a godsend BTW)

However, after getting expelled from my second high school, I had to stop. Got through college and then started right back where I left off.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx


and a lot of tales of the duck in this thread
what are you talkin bout?

anyway I like going to class high..then again I like doing everything high..I just smoke too much and don't get paid enough to smoke before class all thetime
I didn't pick up weed till' the summer before senior year of high school. My girl at the time pretty much occupied my time first half of senior yearbut the second half, I came into school blazed 5/5 days out of the week. A teacher never outright noticed or brought it up except one time my boy and I smokedand went right back to school for our last period pretty blazed, and I forgot exactly what he said, but we're almost 100% the teacher knew cause he wasf'ing around with us

This is inspiring me to go back to my high school and ask that teacher if he remembers this incident

Went to a couple lectures in college high, wasn't too bad. Went to a lab in college high and the girl next to me immediately smelled it
Thatdefinitely wasn't a great look cause lab was hard as hell and my professor was out of her mind. Would've rather been sober and saved the blunt forafter the lab.
College no, High school no, Middle School unfortunately everyday. Thank god I stopped smoking weed I'm way more productive now.
i did it a couple times in HS but i didnt smoke all that much in HS.. or at least not compared to after HS.

i never go to college classes high though.. waste of weed imo.
all the time back in hs and ms. in ms we lit up in the bathroom which was literally 10 feet from an administrators office
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