Anyone Ever Work as a Bank Teller???

Jun 21, 2004
Might have an interview coming up soon with Wells Fargo for a teller position. Anyone work or previously worked as one? Whats it like? I worked retail for a few years and was terrible so i don't want a similar experience. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. 
I was a teller for the summer in 97. It's either super dead(middle of the week) or super busy(day before a holiday or friday). All national holidays off, good hours.
I took a bank teller on a date once.

she described her job as this

"I count money for people who are doing better than me in life"

Take if for what it's worth. Seems depressing if you ask me. To be constantly reminded minute after minute, hour after hour where you are on the socioeconomic hierarchy.
Don't mean to hijack a thread but how easy is it to have overdraft fees waived? I was hit with 4 in one of my bank accounts and the teller said she was able to do one. I was able to put money in to put me back in the positive. Can I go to a different branch or call and ask to have the others waived off. I feel like I just wasn't persistent enough since it was out of my comfort zone to ask for fees to be waived.
I was a Teller for Wells Fargo for a year.
Its a decent job, decent pay, but if you cant stand kissing peoples %%% all day, I wouldn't take it. Theres teller scripting in which basically you talk as a robot. The service managers are on you constantly about goals, even if you hit those goals. I used to get phone calls at school. Ridiculous. Also they play favoritism to certain people. You get paid time off, but whenever you wanna take the days off it's always like somebody already has the days off and %%%* like that.
Great hours though.
i got offered a banker position but declined, and shortly there after left the company to focus on school. It's more of a career then an actual job.

Interview tips though: They want people who are great at customer service and goal oriented workers. Keep emphasizing those points and you'll be good.

Take it for what its worth. Good luck
Originally Posted by MJGREATXII

I was a Teller for Wells Fargo for a year.
Its a decent job, decent pay, but if you cant stand kissing peoples #*@ all day, I wouldn't take it. Theres teller scripting in which basically you talk as a robot. The service managers are on you constantly about goals, even if you hit those goals. I used to get phone calls at school. Ridiculous. Also they play favoritism to certain people. You get paid time off, but whenever you wanna take the days off it's always like somebody already has the days off and $*!% like that.
Great hours though.
i got offered a banker position but declined, and shortly there after left the company to focus on school. It's more of a career then an actual job.

Interview tips though: They want people who are great at customer service and goal oriented workers. Keep emphasizing those points and you'll be good.

Take it for what its worth. Good luck

When referencing good customer service I would throw in " Im all about the customer leaving with a WOW experience"

Im currently a Wells teller, I hate it and leaving before the new year starts JUMP INTO JANUARY is about to be hell
Just got home from work as a teller at BofA and this is the first thread i see

i got the job over the summer but i was all over the place trying to get it. PM me if you need specific tips op or anyone else in general
Originally Posted by 4one5

Don't mean to hijack a thread but how easy is it to have overdraft fees waived? I was hit with 4 in one of my bank accounts and the teller said she was able to do one. I was able to put money in to put me back in the positive. Can I go to a different branch or call and ask to have the others waived off. I feel like I just wasn't persistent enough since it was out of my comfort zone to ask for fees to be waived.

When I called customer service I asked the customer service rep how I could ameliorate the situation.
He gave me a courtesy fee waiver because he loved that I used the word ameliorate. We talked for about another 10 minutes about books and vocab.
Currently a teller at Capital One, I don't mind the work.

However, the bank is a retail environment because it's sales driven. So if you can't sell (make your referrals) don't even bother.
I was a BT too. You gotta kiss people's !+@ no matter what. It's not too bad, get to meet cool people (some chicks) and it's relatively easy. It can be stressful if you have sales quotas to reach, you make a lot of mistakes, or you think that someone could rob you at any minute (it happens a lot more than you'd think).
The location of the bank is also key. When I worked at Wells it was in a hood-!$! area. 1st, 3rd, and 15th of the month are hell.

It's a cool as job. If you don't pull a chick during teller training something is wrong with you. WF is super sales oriented, to the point where you may lose sleep (more so for the bankers). But sales is HUGE.
Quotas? I too, have applied to Wells Fargo recently and I'm wondering what quotas do you have to make and are they mandatory?
Was a part-time teller for 5+ years while I was at college. Started full-time after I had no luck finding work in my field (marketing) and I am currently a teller supervisor. After this year is over, I am definitely looking for work somewhere else.
Just got an award recognizing top 30 performance at my position as a teller. Will be flying to Palm Beach as a reward in early Jan for a paid vaca
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

The women who work at the front of banks 
the bank that my mom goes to are mad ugly and old af but the bank i have them %**!$@@ are bad
Originally Posted by ridingonlorenzos

I've been a bank teller for two years, about to move up in January to an office

This made me think of Coming to America, the McDowells scene :Rollin . Anywho, I was a teller for 3 years while in college. Good money, easy job. Only thing that sucked was the 1st of the month. Lines out the door. Good info in here. Follow that and you are golden.
After two years I just parted ways with BofA, easy job/ hours pretty much what everyone else had to say.  One thing I'd like to point out is that hitting your quotas is vital, (referring credit card, opening CHK/SAV accounts) training never stopped while working there, I'm talkin at least 1-2 new training every month.
 I was actually one of the better convincing tellers there hitting all types of milestones but sadly let my ego run wild until they finally had enough of me........ feelsbadman
Originally Posted by kidKiDd

After two years I just parted ways with BofA, easy job/ hours pretty much what everyone else had to say.  One thing I'd like to point out is that hitting your quotas is vital, (referring credit card, opening CHK/SAV accounts) training never stopped while working there, I'm talkin at least 1-2 new training every month.
 I was actually one of the better convincing tellers there hitting all types of milestones but sadly let my ego run wild until they finally had enough of me........ feelsbadman

was dating a chick at Bank of AMerica. She hated it. Said they paid crap for someone with a college dergree. I couldn't do it.

Also one tiny mistake and you're dead.
I would recommend it for anyone, I loved it in college, and would honestly recommend it for anyone who wants to work their way up fast, or work until they find a career.
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