Anyone feel like they have the most anal parents in the world?

Apr 23, 2007
So for the longest time my parents and I have had this argument about my shoe hobby. I argue that as long as its my money i should be able to buy whatever iwant as long as its not illegal or drugs or anything like that, so i should be able to buy as many pairs of shoes as i have the money for. My parents think itshould be need based, that if i only had like 1 pair of shoes and needed a new pair then i should buy them. But other than that i cant buy shoes. So i justkept buying and hiding it from them without telling them. But today my mom walked in my room while i was in the bathroom pooping and saw the box for mygriffeys on my bed and asked me if i got em and i lied saying they were for a friend. But then i went back and told the truth cause my friend and i had a talkearlier about building trust with our parents. So my mom kirked out and will now continue to be anal for the next couple of days which just pisses me off.
i came in here to say i thought the title said " anyone feel like having anal with their parents"

your parents are just looking out...they really do know whats best for'll see one probably see that now and just don't want toadmit'll probably look back and think of the money you wasted and wish you had it back...i know i do...

anyone wanna sell my shoes for me?
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

i came in here to say i thought the title said " anyone feel like having anal with their parents"

My mom can get like that at times but for the most part she's pretty mellow and down to earth. I don't disappoint her often so she has no reason to be.Wouldn't trade her for the world
yeah my parents are always on me like this and acting super hypocritical too

I mean if I have one shoebox out on the floor or a shirt on my chair my pops gets all angry about me living in a pigsty and not bein responsible etc. what thehell??? Im further in school right now than he ever got, he barely graduated high school, and Im in the top few people in my class, yet Im somehow notresponsible! Stuff like this really gets to me

I constantly have to hear bull about how I waste my money too, when I spend at most 25% of my money every year

Oh and as far as the "need" thing goes, my mom doesnt believe I need more than like 2 pairs of shorts, 3 shirts and 1 pair of shoes. COME ON, she hasmore than that so what is she talkin bout? and apparently the medium shorts she buys for my birthday and whatever when I wear an XL are perfectly ok, and Imjust being pissy when I tell her they crap doesnt fit

Its gonna be nice when Im done with school and everything and am entirely independnt

Ive been thinkin bout givin them like 100 stacks down the road to repay them and tellin them to shut the hell up when it comes to any of my decisions or such,cuz its seriously frustrating. I know theyre gonna be like 80 and still aggravating me for no damn reason
haha dendaneskimo i feel you homie i wanna just tell them to shut the hell up sometimes but i know if i ever did they would probably be too hurt to everforgive me lol
my parents were first mad about it but then they realized

that im just learning on how to spend my money.

but i got out of the shoe hobby.
No, but i feel like i have the most un-trusting paranoid, scared-of-the-world parents.
my parents are cool,
but not that kind of 'cool' where they try to fit in w/ my friends though....
my parents were always preaching to me about the amount of money i was spending on shoes and the amount of shoes i have. i wasnt having it, on that "itsmy money, i do what i want" tip. our spot get robbed and all my shoes get stolen
worst day of my life. my moms laughed at me
still to this day, itry to figure out how they were able to get 50+ boxes out a 2story house and nobody see it.

make sure you saving as much as your spending
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by ev209

im glad i have some of the most luberal parents
i see what you did there

but yeah i'm glad my parents are pretty lenient with what i do, they have a huge problem with my shoe collection though damnit
I'm glad my parents were as strict and "anal" as they were with me, I wash my hands so much it's almost obscene, I keep all my clothesperfectly pressed and clean and the habits I built of keeping my room clean and organized have always served me well.
one day when your priorities change, and you need money all those shoes are gonna be nice to sell.......sad i had to part ways with some shoes...but that islife.
anal, short for anal retentive (not anal expulsive).

Freud's psychosexual stages:
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
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