anyone got sleep tips ???


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how do you deal with not being sleepy...i take naps all time the and it screws me up...
how can i get sleepy real fast??? or just plain old tips on to get to sleep when your not sleepy...
before you go to bed
If you aren't tired, you just can't go to sleep. Best advice I can give is this.

Make sure the room is the temp you want it to be.
Take a hot shower.
Put on some soft relaxing music.
Make the room as dark as possible.
GO TO BED you can make it through the next day without needing a nap. Not 7:30 the sun went down early. Early as in 11 or 12.
If you got any females nearby have em give you a shoulder/neck rub. Makes me sleepy.

That's all I can think of. Good luck.

Oh. Almost forgot. Put a tv show on that is really boring to you. Just make sure to set the sleep timer or you'll toss and turn all night. I hate when Iforget to set it.
Eating peanut butter and warm milk has stuff in it that makes your body relax, so eat some about 30 minutes before you sleep. Avoid staying in bed for morethan 10 minutues if you can't sleep, get out the bed and do something that's calming. Read something or listen to jazz, but don't expose your eyesto too much light, that will cause your eyes to be more awake. Jerking off does indeed help, it makes you mildly exhausted, but if you consider doing that,prepare a porno movie you will watch not during the night but rather in the day. If you do it at night, you will actually spend a lot more time looking thru abunch of porn movies to choose and you will waste valuable sleep time.
i usually surf on NT in bed on my sidekick.

whenever i'm waiting for a page to load, i close my eyes and most of the time i end up falling asleep after surfing for a bit
i cant go to sleep for shhh. either, welp, ima try to drink some milk and watch a boring tv show.
attempt to wake up early on the regular. The moment you feel yourself getting sleepy, go ahead and get in the sack. If you can, eat a very large meal and drinkwarm milk. Do some type of activity during the day or evening so that your body will be tired. hope you get some rest bro, insomnia is no fun.
blaze, nyquil, sex, or watching Creflo dollar...

i usually do all of them in the same night..
have a good cigar and careful not to pass out while the cigar is lit. Just Don't watch a chick flick like "Field of Dreams" during the session
One thing I do is concentrate on keeping the muscles in my body relaxed. Especially my face, neck and shoulders. Also try to control your breathing. It'sworked for me, sleeping pills (Restoril and Unisom) don't work for me.
Originally Posted by S0LE CANDY

i usually surf on NT in bed on my sidekick.

whenever i'm waiting for a page to load, i close my eyes and most of the time i end up falling asleep after surfing for a bit

Lol I do the exact same thing.
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