Anyone here an Art major or Liberal arts major?

Aug 4, 2004
I'm considering it, but i'm highly hesitating. Speaking to graduates of the major, they are without work. That totally sucks.
I'm an illustration major, but all my boys that graduated in Liberal Arts found well paying jobs. Don't let that stigma sway your decision.
Just go to law school or investment banking.

You'll have a much higher GPA than people who took difficult majors. If you some manage to get below a 3.5 with a liberal arts degree, you don'tdeserve a full time job or a chance at grad school.
I don't even plan on getting a job in this major. I picked cuz I had to switch at the time(former mass communications major).

Looking back shoulda stuck with Graphic Design.

Classes are easy tho, no matter what you choose.
Just go to law school or investment banking.

You'll have a much higher GPA than people who took difficult majors. If you some manage to get below a 3.5 with a liberal arts degree, you don't deserve a full time job or a chance at grad school.

photography major here.

honestly only choose an art major if you really have a passion for it and or talented. classes are easy for me because its something i enjoy

someone who isnt creative at all shouldnt pick an art major... because its something that has to be in you... iunno
Im an art major... with a photography track.

Im double majoring in art and public relations
I'm a history major/art minor. If you wanna make art then go for it yo. You only live once. It's up to you to find a job that will relate to yourcreativity.
I saw some article not too long ago saying how majors like philosophy, history, english, etc. are becoming more and more useless. The jobs in these fields areso few and far between that you will likely never get the kind of job you want...especially in this economy, and the payback for what you spend to get thesedegrees will likely be NEVER! If you have a passion for this stuff, MINOR in it and get a major in something like accounting, engineering, I/T, or health carethat will allow you to actually get a job.
my friend knows a dude who graduated with a Political Science degree from UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO and is currently delivering pizza...
personally im doing a minor in poli sci because as a major they are pretty useless without grad school
Originally Posted by mjd77

I saw some article not too long ago saying how majors like philosophy, history, english, etc. are becoming more and more useless.

Seems like those are only good majors if you want to teach.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by mjd77

I saw some article not too long ago saying how majors like philosophy, history, english, etc. are becoming more and more useless.

Seems like those are only good majors if you want to teach.

I actually double majored in Geography and Accounting. Believe it or not I actually used the geographjy degree first (and not teaching). Worked for a companythat did GIS/mapping for 3 years. When they downsized and I got the axe I switched right over to the accounting side and have been doing that ever since.
Idk, but Im majoring in psychology/counseling to hopefully make it as a Clinical Psychologist/Counseling Psychologist
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