Anyone here ever deal with credit/debit card fraud

Sep 16, 2003
Supposedly I tricked some money off at coachdotcom today 
They requested overnight delivery thinking they're slick but they(Coach) told me once its shipped they've requested UPS send it back to them and then they'll send the money back if my card charge is finalized

Only thing im wondering about is how the $#@% did they get my card # in the first guess is a card skimmer.

Be on point out there folks..
Happened to me almost 2 years ago.

I used those street ATMs in Manhattan on a sat night. I only had a couple hundred in the bank but they used that and overdrafted me like $400. Then tried buying plane tickets from Dubai.

I was going on vacation like 2 days later so my account was a mess. It took like a week and half to get straightened out.
Happened to my AMEX at a gas station

all you have to do is dispute and sign the affidavit and you are fine
Happened to me a year ago and my mom last week. Both for some minuscule purchases too. Everything was money, though, sign an affidavit and get a new card/number.
I used my amex for the 1st time in about 8 months to cop some shirts from Karmaloop.
2 days later amex calls me asking if i had westernunioned 400$ to some1 in Spain.
I said hell nah and wasnt held responsible.
Did a search and found cc fraud is rampent on Karmaloop.
don't ever use your debit card for anything outside of a grocery store

I prepay my AMEX down to under $100 and just use that then repeat each pay period
What I really want to know is how safe are atms outside of banks? I'd imagine those would be very safe..if so I'll just take my money out from there and use cash at gas stations. I think that's where I got got.
My cousin last summer got his mail stolen and one of the letters was his credit statement. The thief tried to order a duplicate card but the bank refused to and reported it to my cousin. He then changed his card number and got a locking mailbox now.

I suggest to all of you to get a locking mailbox or have a PO box. Mail thieves do work daily, especially during tax season (Jan-May). I read stories of people getting their tax documents stolen which include their social security number, birthday, and income. With that information, thieves can open up new credit cards, empty your savings, and even buy a car/house under YOUR name. Even if they catch the thief, you're pretty much done for financially since you'll have so much debt and a rockbottom credit score. Not to mention your information might still be out there for grabs if they have it on some black market site.
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