Anyone here have their dog pass away and just feel like everything sucks?

May 26, 2002
We just lost our 3rd family dog, and I pretty much grew up with this dog. I know they get old and you expect them to go, but nothing ever actually preparesyou for the moment. I feel pretty sick to my stomach now. Need some NT laughs to get my mind off it.
I have 4 dogs, one is 8 years old. He's expected to live 12-15 years, but I'm a be real down when this one goes. Gotta enjoy em while you can.
lost mine a month ago...yea it sucks...i miss the little guy...but remember that good and the bad things he used to do and trust me it'll make you laugh
lost mine last year in june smh. my living situation was kinda crazy. long story short my sis bf was trying mate his two pits in our backyard and they attackedmy german shapard. she actually killed one of them but she sustained too serious injuries and they put her to sleep. i was so mad i was calm if they makes anysense.
hang in there man, i lost my first dog in october. it was hard times stil sucks thinking about her.
Personally I don't understand how people get so attached to animals, letting them lick their faces and eat off their plates, the whole 9
My dog is 13 y/o right now. Had him since he was just a pup. I'm just dreading that day.
mine was only a year + when he passed...the potential was so much...RIP JACK...all dogs goes to heaven
My dog passed away about a year ago. Had him for 16 years. The fam took it pretty hard.
Right at the moment he died I had a "vision" of his spirit as a puppy. Happy, playful. Jumping around like he was never sick.
Animals, particularly dogs have the purest energy. And the most honest hearts.
The unfortunate thing is they always ultimately leave us before we are ready.
But when they go, they only take with them the love we gave them and the happiness of their best times.
It hurts right now for you, but later on those memories will be so valuable to you.
Originally Posted by J23S

Personally I don't understand how people get so attached to animals, letting them lick their faces and eat off their plates, the whole 9
Animals are living things like you and I and feel love and affection. I know some people who have formed stronger bonds with their pets than otherhumans. There's nothing wrong with it.

A lot of the time/ most of the time a dog makes a better friend than most humans. They have less ulterior motives...all they need is food and attention everynow and then.
I thought I was the only one. I went away for the summer and while I was gone my dog passed almost unexpectedly and they didn't tell me until I came back.And my grandma died right before I was coming back so yeah life pretty much sucks.
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