Anyone here not really a clubbing person?

Jun 18, 2007
Me personally, don't enjoy going to clubs, i don't know why but its not that appealing to me. Basically everyone i know loves clubbing and I'm the only one that dislikes it. Anyone out there like me lol? Whats your alternative? I guess I'm just different *kanye shrug*
*raises hand*

I've always been more into small get-togethers and stuff, or house parties.

Usually if it's somebody's bday or something, and it's at a club, I'll go, cause I only go to clubs maybe 5 times a year.
Naw, I hate it personally. Don't like being crowded like that and can't stand drunk people (i very rarely drink) so put that together and it is just not fun for me
Originally Posted by Peep Game

*raises hand*

I've always been more into small get-togethers and stuff, or house parties.

Usually if it's somebody's bday or something, and it's at a club, I'll go, cause I only go to clubs maybe 5 times a year.

All of this.
Couldn't stand having so many people around me and not being able I move freely. Plus every time I've gone, I've had people stepping on my feet or bumping me
When I was younger I loved it.  But a lot of crap also went down.  I prefer bars now but only on special occasions.
nah mane memphis clubs <<<<<<< anything else

I don't mess with it at all but there aren't many alternatives out here so I just stay in.
I only go if it's a special occasion or someone's birthday. I don't go just because the weekend is looking dry.
Im not a club person unless Im wasted. other than that, i rather chill.

I always wanted to hit up a lounge though.
i used to be. i used to go out every night. now i cant even bare to walk by bars/club. 
From age 16-20 I went clubbing just to hang out with the crew. After that clubbing was a waste of time and money to me. House parties, lounges, bars >>>>>> clubs
I hate the club. I don't like dancing. I don't like girls I meet at clubs. I've been like 6 times. I don't plan on going back unless it's like a friends birthday or something.
I used to think I would never go clubbing, until I went one night and found a sense of rhythm that I thought I never had 
. I knew if I was going to continue to go to clubs, I couldn't be a wallflower and stand around, so I just go in and have a good time dancing and looking to meet some girls.

I can get down with a bar too, but I also like clubs.
Never liked clubs either. I prefer lounges, or even bars. Clubs in Las Vegas on the other hand is another story. 
I prefer Vegas clubs than the ones out here in L.A, S.F. or even in S.D.
house parties>>>>

not big on clubs, theyre too packed and girls be on their high horse type $4!+

gets annoying after a while

since im 21 now i should be hitting up bars but still havent gotten around it
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