Anyone Know How to Write Code

Writing an OS?

Good luck with that one, JRS.
Thought you were going to be talking about an app. But, an entire OS? Damn, there's a reason there's only a few OS out there.
That requires a TON of groundwork before you begin to write an os. Not saying it cant be done, but it's not particularly a one man job.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

write a program so that when i put my labtop on my lab it doesnt burn my thighs and future children
what is a labtop and why would you put it on your dog?
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Like an os for a tablet or labtop? Always wondered if it was hard or not.

It takes years to make a solid OS, many people have tried to make linux based OS's but one truly from scratch is difficult. As far as writing code, it's not that difficult I picked it up over the last year somewhat.
You can't just willy-nilly code an Operating System out of the blue w/ no coding experience. It's difficult simply because of how intricate it is. At bare minimum you'll need to know C and Assembly. You'll probably end up writing a 'diet' version of Linux if you have programming experience. Linux from Scratch would be your best bet (see here: )

but even then, you need to have experience w/ Linux. If you go this route, most of the primary components are written for you. Needless to say, even the simple route will be overwhelming for any beginner w/o programming experience. An OS is extremely intricate and too complex for a absolute beginner to mess around with. Security, memory management, file systems, etc aren't something you just magic into existence.

If you look on the web for simple os tutorials, you don't really get much out of them. You basically copy and paste and you're no better off than you were before. See here for example:

If you're talking about making an app for iPhone, they're written in Objective-C, which is, surprise surprise, based on C. It's difficult if you don't know what you're doing, but if you learn, and take it all step by step, you'll eventually be on your way to making simple games and apps (then later maybe OSs). It's possible to write really good games/apps if you master a language and learn it in and out, but usually it's easier to work w/ a team. If you're curious about iPhone apps, Apple has a mildly useful intro on their site:

For a recent example of what you can do alone, the extremely popular game "Minecraft" (coded in Java) was written by just one man. Sure, it doesn't look like the newest video games (which are written by teams of people), but it's extremely impressive that he did it by his onesy. Of course, he's also a seasoned game developer w/ years of experience.

If you're serious about learning programming, I'd start by learning C. It's the basis for a boat load of programming languages, including Java, C#, C++, Objective-C, Perl, etc. I'd recommend you pick up "Programming in C" by Stephen Kochan (or any of his books for that matter). I found it was better than K&R's (creators of C) book about the language. I also like "C Programming" by KN King. After C, Java's somewhat easy to learn, and very user-friendly ("Building Java Programs" by Reges is a great book). You'll be surprised what you can do easily w/ Java because of it's massive API and accessible GUI creation. Most other programming languages will also be easier to learn after C b/c you'll have a good foundation. There are also decent tutorials online for C, but I find myself referring to this one the most:

If you're curious about Android programming, it's in Java. Java is an extremely versatile language and is great for any beginner. See here for coding Android apps:

It will take a decent amount of time to learn a language, but a lot of time to master it. If you haven't gathered, I'm a CSC major. Programming is one of the most rewarding things you can do b/c it's all about your skill, and how you can creatively solve problems. Spend the time to learn and practice and it'll be worth it in the future.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

write a program so that when i put my labtop on my lab it doesnt burn my thighs and future children
what is a labtop and why would you put it on your dog?


I had to read that a few times.
I develop video games... specifically gameplay programming

I've written quite a few tool-sets and applications for our studio and have developed some custom firmware for various devices. I've also written my own Linux kernal.

Never done anything for the iOS but have done a lot with android.

::Kayne Shrug:: starting a daily/weekly code activity to learn how to do it. It teaches fundamentals. They made it the new-years resolution for a bunch of people.

Go ahead and sign up.

Thank me later. 
I think writing up or learning how to do coding of any sort is hard to learn from scratch unless you have experience
but thats just my opinion. Right now im in school learning about cisco and routers, so far it is hard if you dont have
any experience in the field. After this cisco course im going to be learning about microsoft.

I went into the course not knowing anything and slowly learning. idk if this helped or not but i can imagine that
that kind of stuff would be harder
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