Anyone on NT ever used ROSETTA STONE or know someone that has? - Want to learn a new language - !!!!

Jan 18, 2008
Please post your experiences if you have or know of someone who has used their software...

All help is appreciated...

My padre used it to learn spanish, and now hes walking around like he's Pablo Escobar.
i bought it awhile ago off ebay, i started it but never finished it

but from the little i did i see how it can work, its worth the investment

will finish it during winter break
Word my girlfriend is Spanish and she speaks it. She teaches me a little. She's trying to learn French and I want to learn it also. I might cop this...yeahright, mad money. A trip to the library can work though.
Thank you all for replying so far.

I think I wanna learn Arabic, considering the fact I wanna work with international affairs after my two years with Teach For America...
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