Anyone on NT had Ringworm?

I went to the doctor and got some creme i was like 6 though, I was a dirty#+!* lil kid one on my arm and the back of my head. It left a bald spot and my hairgrows funny in that spot still to this day.
my nephew and bro-in-law just got it from their barber's clippers. Doctor gave some liquid concoction for it
I got one on my arm when I was in middle school. We assumed it was from my trampoline.

I went to the doctors and got creme and it went away.
got some on my back.
try limasil and Nystatin (prescription)
word how long you had it for is it clearing up though? I got one on my face
Yeah, I had it like 10 years ago. Like the guy up there, my hair grows funny there still. At least the bald spot is gone now. Boy was that embarrassing in 6thgrade. I got this ointment called "clotrimazole and betamethasone dipropionate." Good luck, bro.
Do you really have to plan a doctor appointment for a ringworm? I thought it was fine just to bleach it off. Well that's what I did.
I had it on my thy once a couple of years go when I wrestled in high school, I went to the doc and he hooked me up with some weird cream/gel stuff that knockedit out in like a week.
wow thats nasty

but i had ringworm on my trice once, i used tinactin cream (which was recommended to me by my doc.) and it went away in a couple days.
Ive had it but it wasnt as serious as that pic up there.

been wrestling since i was 4 years old.
this helps riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight here.


cliff keen kenshield ftw
I have yet to get ringworm, mainly because I shower as soon as I walk in the door from my class. After rolling around on our mats, the first thought on my mindis getting home to cleanse myself. I take as hot a shower as I can tolerte, and scrub myself thoroughly with a soap brush.

Whenever anyone from my club gets it, Tea Tree Oil usually wipes it away in 2-3 days. I would recommend trying that before you head to the Dr. and see if thathelps you out any.
I got ringworm not too long ago due to my brother who wrestles. Just some Lamisil will do the job unless it's on the scalp which will take 3 times longer.
i cringed looking at those pics!! i scrolled like crazy to get away from those things!!!
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