Anyone on Vine (video instagram)?


Nov 13, 2009
I searched but didn't come up with any hits.

Any of you mess with Vine? It's basically a video instagram. You can take short vignettes and post them for the world to see. I follow a lot of artists on IG and Vine definitely adds that extra dimension.

Follow me @bymybootstraps and I'll follow back.

Not yet available on Google play.
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I'm waitin for da nudes to show up on vinepeek, but it never happens :frown:

Best I've seen on there was a nice photoshoot, some LAYDEE in a starbucks, and what looked like the teriyaki boyz performing for about 6 people :lol:
This would be clutch for the Nike Outlet thread. Oh and for Coachella, Bonnaroo, and the other festies.
Not for android apparently. Looking forward to the ratchet freaks going bananas.

edit: only 6 second vids?
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