Anyone play hold'em online for real money? vol. school me

Feb 18, 2006
As the title says, does anybody play poker online? and if so, what's the best site to use to play online? Also, are there any catches forregistering/using real money? Thanks NT
I've been playing a lot lately on Full Tilt.

I don't really know about any catches, there aren't any fees. They make their money by taking a small percentage from the cash game pots.

I play a little of both cash games and tournament play.

I prefer tournaments over cash games because, I like to play slow and good cards.

For example, I have been playing in a bunch of knock out tournaments for $12 or so. I feel like it's low risk and there is a bounty for each player youeliminate and the top 9 players get paid so in a 90 person tournament, a little bit can go along way.

If I'm playing cash games, I will hop in a table with .50/1.00 blinds and try to play my cards right. You have to play good cards in those rooms because Ifeel its pretty difficult to bluff.

Either way, I've been making some money and enjoying the game.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Bank of america won't let me, so hardrock seminole is where I go..

i <3 hardrocks.
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