Anyone still rock with their retainers?

May 17, 2011
I'm 5 years removed from braces and have been wearing my retainers every night religiously over these past few years (missed days here and there). I know of people that have given up on wearing them, but as I understand these things are for life. My teeth shift quick, so I stay on top of this.

What's your experience like?
I had braces removed for ~3 years now I think and I wear mine 6 days/week. I take a break Saturday night :lol:
One of my friends had to get braces a 2nd time because he stopped wearing the retainers and teeth shifted
I've had my braces removed for about 4 years now. I would still wear my retainers if I wouldn't have thrown them away by mistake. My teeth did shift, but it wasn't that serious
Wore them for 4 years after braces until I lost them a couple years ago. I just found them recently and could tell my teeth shifted a little since I felt quite a bit of pain from trying them on after all those years. If I hadn't found my retainers I really wouldn't be able to tell my teeth moved. They're still really straight and I still get compliments. Planning on buying another pair just to be safe within these next few months.
You guys are pretty lucky you didn't experience much shifting. It can go either way, and after years of work and effort, sucks to throw it down the drain.
Yep still wear them every night to sleep. Might as well or else the 2.5 years I had to wear them would be a waste. Wish I had chosen a clear retainer though...I just went with the plain white
if you dont wear it for a long time, my backest tooth on the leftside hurts like hell. Is it cuz of shfiting or something else? Starting to bother me. I try my best to ewar it 24/7 but sometimes I leave it at home
Got my braces off 5 years ago, and now i only wear my retainers 3-5 times a month, :smh:. I get lazy, i should wear 'em more often, though.
Never take it off. I wore mine for years and then it broke and I didn't have insurance anymore so I didn't replace it. Basically I could use braces again.
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3 1/2 years since removed. Wear it every night, though I do occasionally skip a day or two.
Never take it off. I wore mine for years and then it broke and I didn't have insurance anymore so I didn't replace it. Basically I could use braces again.
Should've shelled out the 200 to replace it.
Im curious, how do you know when you don't need them anymore? Does your dentist tell you? I had no idea that they were needed for more than a year.
i liked having braces didnt like having retainers wore them everyday for 3-4 months then i just got too lazy :lol: been like 4 months since i worn mine
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I have invisaline. So 22/24 hours of the day, I'm rocking em.
have invisaline too. also had braces back in 5th grade and now again now that im 21. gonna be done by December 2013 hopefully, I'm keeping up

but my dentist said after I'm done with invisaline their gonna install a metal bar at the back of my bottom front row to keep them straight permanently forever and that they'll never shift. anyone else has or is having this happen? my bottom front were always the worse part of my teeth anyway so idk
I have invisaline. So 22/24 hours of the day, I'm rocking em.
have invisaline too. also had braces back in 5th grade and now again now that im 21. gonna be done by December 2013 hopefully, I'm keeping up

but my dentist said after I'm done with invisaline their gonna install a metal bar at the back of my bottom front row to keep them straight permanently forever and that they'll never shift. anyone else has or is having this happen? my bottom front were always the worse part of my teeth anyway so idk

I have one on my bottom front.. dont even notice it though this post just reminded me that I have it :lol:

Havent worn my retainer in like 5 years :wow: one of my front teeth shifted a little :smh:
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