Anyone tore there Achillies? Any useful advice for me?

Dec 3, 2005
Whats going on NT I decided to join an adult soccer league after of years of not playing because Ive been wanting to play again and to stop being lazy and get myself back into shape. Well the 3rd game of the season this past Sunday I went too change directions really quick to chase the ball heard a pop and it was a wrap I was down on the pitch and had too be carried off. After xrays and MRI found out I had a 50% tear in my Achilles tendon and I have surgery on this upcoming Monday morning. Does anyone with experience have an type of advice that can help me to make this easier?
I partially tore mine a year and a half ago. It was higher up my leg like right below my calf.

Painful experience, felt like someone shot me right in the calf coupled w/ a dead leg. I don't know the degree of the tear, but the foot specialist I went to said it was complete and I didn't have to have surgery. I had a cast with my foot set at a ptiched angle for a couple of months then a boot.
Have you tried to play any sports since? Also I could have went the non surgery route but I wanted too decrease the chance of re rupturing.
it will be a long process to get back to the shape that you were, but it is possible. mine was completely torn. if yours is 50% you will have a shorter recovery time.
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

it will be a long process to get back to the shape that you were, but it is possible. mine was completely torn. if yours is 50% you will have a shorter recovery time.

How long was your recovery?
I know your pain I have terrible experiences with both of me feet/ankles. Broke the right, dislocated the left, torn ligaments in both, the list goes on. Make SURE you rehab properly. Nothing will make it easier, though. It's a time-consuming injury. Just don't think you're superman once you can put pressure on it again.
Originally Posted by adickted to kickz

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

it will be a long process to get back to the shape that you were, but it is possible. mine was completely torn. if yours is 50% you will have a shorter recovery time.

How long was your recovery?
took a few months to get the cast off and then you start the grueling recovery, therapy and all.. the fact that you have not moved your legs for so long, has cause dystrophy and now you'll have to learn how to walk all over again, before you can even think of running or playing sports
currently have achillies tendonitis. feels stiff every time i wake up and after a basketball game its so stiff to the point where i cant even walk without limping. should i worry about it tearing? should i just continually stretch?
I think as you grow older it is wise to be in great shape before you start playing sports like soccer. If you are not in great shape don't go all out when doing explosive moves or changing directions.

Soccer is really tough on the legs.
Originally Posted by knightngale

I think as you grow older it is wise to be in great shape before you start playing sports like soccer. If you are not in great shape don't go all out when doing explosive moves or changing directions.

Soccer is really tough on the legs.

yea i know that was a contributing factor as well. Like I said before these past 3 games I hadn't played soccer in years and you could definitely tell on the field but a tear in my Achilles wasn't something that didn't really cross my mind as a possibility.
Originally Posted by Franchize09

currently have achillies tendonitis. feels stiff every time i wake up and after a basketball game its so stiff to the point where i cant even walk without limping. should i worry about it tearing? should i just continually stretch?
I have tendonitis in my achiiles. After a soccer game I'm essentially handicapped. I could also use the advice 
for those that had a full tear you couldn't put any weight on it right? I don't know if its cause mines is only partial but im able to put some weight on it without any pain really but my doc wants me too stay off it as much as possible of course.
I fully tore mine about a year and a half ago. I opted for surgery rather than casting which I would advise for a full tear if you want to return to regular somewhat strenuous activity (sports etc.). The re-rupture rate is lower with surgery.
I was able to put weight/pressure on mine before surgery which is why i had hopes it was only partially torn, Basically couldn't push off or walk normal but could sort of shuffle if i had my foot sideways.

Anyways, I was on crutches for 3-4 months (had an infection and it took that long for the wound to fully close. Best advice that I didn't follow was maintain a strict diet and limit the alcohol. I did neither and was fine for a bit but it really catches up with you once metabolism slows down. From there its tough to lose as activity is limited.

After surgery really put an effort to keep it elevated at all times and at night. It's crazy how swollen it gets.

Let me know if you have any questions that I can help with.
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