Anyone use a safety razor to shave?

I've been shaving this way for about the last 6 years.  My set up is this (ONLY in the hot shower):





I let the shower get hot and I don't wash my face prior to shaving. ALWAYS go WITH the grain with a single blade razor.  Like anything new school, its eliminated the understanding of why you do things.  The Gillette Mach 18 (or whatever they're using now) basically allows you to slap yourself in the face and get a close shave.  The problem is that lube strip and their face jizz clogs your pores, and can cause ingrown hairs. 

Another thing I'd really recommend for the guys with trouble (I have curly hair) - grow a beard for a bit (if you can with work etc.)  Let it get a solid week of growth and then shave it off.  You kind of train your hair to grow straighter.  The other thing I use is very small tweezers to pick out the ones that decide to in grow. 
mach 5 is tremedously good. 5 blades make a difference. But they dull quick.

You guys should try a 2 blade, straight hurtful.

I don't know how some of ya'll do it (indians, italians), shaving is painful.

Oh, i shave after coming out the shower though, makes shaving 100% less painful.

just tried safety razor on my head and I nicked myself something fierce...used the styptic pencil but still kind of, sort of bleeding almost 30 mins later...

it does feel good in the areas I'm not bleeding though, so at least i have that going for me...
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