Anyone use an E-Cig?

Apr 15, 2013
long story short i wanna quit smoking.

i can’t do the cold turkey route so I’m looking into E cig alternative.

I’m not trying to “vape” i’ve been down that road and it just made me want a cigarette even more.

Anyone use or have used an ecig to help quit? i’ve heard people recommend the Juul.

any input?
Nah **** that **** bro

If you gonna quit, do it. Mind over matter.

I quit back in the summer (july) cold turkey, was hard af. I wont lie and tell you it was cake but when you ready to quit youll quit. Occupy your time with other more productive things. Everytime that craving hits you go do something else,cuz its really just a couple pulls to satisfy that craving. It was for me at least, after two or three pulls my nicotine craving waa satisfied and id look at the bogey in utter disgust.

Best of luck to you man
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