Anyone use an iTunes organizer??? HELP!

Mar 9, 2010
That's it! I have over 40K songs and it irks me to see my iTunes exist the way it does right now: a hot mess! I've always tried to keep it organized, but after jacking a few libraries from friends, it's gotten out of hand! Doubles, triples even quadruples in some instances of songs. It would take me an eternity to do this. I've looked into organizers, but would like to hear feedback from anyone that's usually used one. Thoughts? Thanks in advance. 
That's it! I have over 40K songs and it irks me to see my iTunes exist the way it does right now: a hot mess! I've always tried to keep it organized, but after jacking a few libraries from friends, it's gotten out of hand! Doubles, triples even quadruples in some instances of songs. It would take me an eternity to do this. I've looked into organizers, but would like to hear feedback from anyone that's usually used one. Thoughts? Thanks in advance. 
best advice is to start organizing when your playlist is still small.. most of the good iTunes organizing apps cost money anyway..
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That's awesome, but I'm way beyond that point...if I had only 20K songs I'd maybe try to do it myself, but that's not happening with this amount. 
That's awesome, but I'm way beyond that point...if I had only 20K songs I'd maybe try to do it myself, but that's not happening with this amount. 
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