Anyone Use NTs Search Feature Successfully?

Mods ever say or acknowledge
Why they got rid of all the appreciation posts
Or do we got a snitch running around :nerd:
I definitely wish that after the search results come up, there was at least a thumbnail preview of photos that each result contains. So many times I've been looking for an old photo and have to click through each result one by one just to get an idea if there's even a pic.
Don’t recall ever using the search function. I’ve always just typed in the name of the thread and NikeTalk on Google.
"Publicists have contacted me telling me their client's PUBLIC IG accounts were stored on our website." - #SuperOP
Knew y'all was going to get the Rooks thread locked as soon as it stop being about sports anchors/analysts :smh: :lol:
Mods ever say or acknowledge
Why they got rid of all the appreciation posts
Or do we got a snitch running around :nerd:
Gotta be somebody that’s straight ***** made getting these threads deleted. It’s barely any raunch so I’m not seeing the point of getting rid of them
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