Anyone work as a (juvenile) corrections officer?

Nov 26, 2007
I saw the other post about being a P.O and was wondering if anyone had any input they could offer on this subject. I am thinking about applying for the position around here...It's a small center (with only 186 beds) and would only be working with the younger kids. Any info is appreciate NT.
Why would you want that kinda job?! It's abuse by the system, kids, people

Cops don't get respect like they used to. It's crazy you WANT to be a cop, its THE toughest job in the world, and worst one.
Talkembout.. it pays the bills... What's wrong with working 2 jobs in retail? I'm sure you'll make more than a C.O. 

Who really want these jobs. It's like a dead-end resort IMO. Matter of fact, no one want to be a C.O. Everyone chasing that Detective spot. 
Im lookin to be a CHP officer
my boy has been doing it now for about 3 years and is making bank.
davidisgodly wrote:
Why would you want that kinda job?! It's abuse by the system, kids, people

Cops don't get respect like they used to. It's crazy you WANT to be a cop, its THE toughest job in the world, and worst one.
Talkembout.. it pays the bills... What's wrong with working 2 jobs in retail? I'm sure you'll make more than a C.O. 

Who really want these jobs. It's like a dead-end resort IMO. Matter of fact, no one want to be a C.O. Everyone chasing that Detective spot. 

No hate homie, but you don't know me or my past, so why should YOU question what I want to be? Perhaps I am not worried about the image of a CO (which is not a cop, therefore I am NOT asking about being a cop). Maybe I don't want to work the same retail jobs I've had in the past. Maybe if I did, the benifits wouldn't be as good as working for a county. Maybe I actually want to have a job with input, to feel some worth, and possibly help troubled teens. " pays the bills..."? What post you readin' man? Go back to the jewelry thread with that nonsense.... Any other MEANINGFUL info is appreciated tho. Joe, thanks man, and honestly, you're right. It'd be a start to a bigger picture I'd like to see myself in later.
My old CJ teacher did for a while, said she hated it. Then was a probation officer and it was a smooth job, but teaching paid better.

CO's tend to be miserable people from what I read
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

My old CJ teacher did for a while, said she hated it. Then was a probation officer and it was a smooth job, but teaching paid better.

CO's tend to be miserable people from what I read
What town was that in, if you don't mind me asking?

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Why would you want that kinda job?! It's abuse by the system, kids, people

Cops don't get respect like they used to. It's crazy you WANT to be a cop, its THE toughest job in the world, and worst one.
Talkembout.. it pays the bills... What's wrong with working 2 jobs in retail? I'm sure you'll make more than a C.O. 

Who really want these jobs. It's like a dead-end resort IMO. Matter of fact, no one want to be a C.O. Everyone chasing that Detective spot. 

First, CO's are not cops.  Sorry--they're just not.  They don't enforce laws--just rules of a prison.  They don't carry firearms inside of a prison.  The only people I know that call a CO a "cop" are convicts.  But that's just because they have to have someone to blame when they get in trouble.  Nevermind that THEY put themselves in the position of having to have another man tell them when to eat, sleep and crap. 

Abuse to the system, eh?  Are there grimey CO's?  Yup.  But there are grimey dudes in every job so you can't really single that profession out.  And the whole abuse thing I don't get--people who are locked up put themselves there 99.9% of the time.  But lemme guess--they're innocent or victims of their circumstance, right?  Being incarcerated is NOT supposed to be fun--its punishment.  That doesn't mean that one's rights should ever be just means that more than likely it won't be a fun stay.  And truth be told, most abuse is inmate on inmate instead of staff on inmate.  But that's just one of the harsh realities of lockup--don't put yourself there and you won't potentially have to be a victim of it.  

Personally I couldn't be a CO.  If I'm putting my life on the line and walking amongst killers and rapists everyday, I'm gonna need a firearm and a larger paycheck.  But I respect what they do to the utmost.  They get more respect from me than street cops for the simple fact that everything that goes on in the streets DOES happen in a prison setting.  Only CO's have batons and pepper spray as immediate weapons and they're usually outnumbered at least 5 to 1 at all times. 
Well said Trife, well said. In my case though, this is a Juvenile CO job in a smaller town in Kansas. If I got the job, I wouldn't expect there to be any murders or rapist, but hey, you never know, right? I grew up in a more run down side of town and know about troubled teens and their problems, also, I think my college education/people skills could make me an ideal canidate, and possibly help out some youth. Just wanted some input, because it's like you said ... When people think CO, they think prisons, killers, gangs, etc. But I am talking Juvenile, in KS, 186 beds total. Thanks bro.
Was a co at the Juvenile detention center in Columbus oh for a year and a half

I came into it, wanting to make a change, but quickly you realize these kids don't listen. If they refuse to listen to there parents, why would they listen to you!

*Crappy Hours 2pm-10:30pm weds-sun
*Easy To Get Burned Out Quick

*Alot of Overtime avail
Since you want to be a JUVENILE CO to make a difference, more power to you..

But seriously, CO's (for adult prisons) are basically all wanna-be cops, and like stated earlier in this thread, are miserable people

I fortunately haven't done any serious time, but have been part of the system before and really wanted to look up some of the CO's by name when I got out to pay them a visit

Of course I didn't tho, but regaurdless of how much respect you show most CO's, they still treat you like +!*%, but with anything in life, when people have power they are gonna abuse it, especially people who are unhappy with themselves..

My 2 cents tho, do whats gonna make you happy, if you truly are considering this job to make a difference, you may want to consider being some type of counseler in an outreach program instead, it depends on the program but I think you can make alot more of a difference doing something like that then being a CO 
I forgot to mention that while it is very admirable of you to want to be a juvenile CO to help change them, you probably won't. 

I worked as a kind of "mentor" at a local 60-something bed juvenile facility.  It wasn't quite a long-term place, but more a spot where they held bad *!% kids before they would ship out to a boot camp or something similar.  There was this dude that has worked there for 3 or 4 years and he told me that in all that time, he's gotten through to maybe ONE kid.  

Of course it can't hurt to be a positive influence, but as a CO you have to remember you're dealing with convicts.  Even kids that are 10, 11 and 12 have the mind of a convict.  Of course you can see potential in them, but many of them have been conditioned to this lifestyle, as sad as it is to say.  I can't tell you how many kids I came across that had a parent in prison--the point is that they've been part of that cycle since the beginning of their life and it really is all they know.  Many of them perceive kindness as weakness just as their incarcerated adult counterparts, so you can really put yourself out there to be hung if you're trying to "help" them as a CO.     

If you want to help them and be a positive influence, I'd look into other avenues to do so.  Being a correctional officer is more about controlling and monitoring behavior than it is helping.   
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