Apartments on Craigslist

Nov 21, 2000
Has anybody had any luck finding an apartment on Craigslist? I'm moving to NYC for an internship this summer and really looking to sublease somebody'splace. I know there's lots of scams on Craigslist but I feel like some of them are legit and just curious if anyone has had success.
my shorty has, just beware of any ads telling you to send $ or any crap like that...those are the bogus ones.
I found the one I'm in on CL - but I live in Mpls, no subletting allowed. Mainly just LL/management advertising
Actually i just found my new spot on Craigslist.
Move in on the 4th of July
It's a %@+!%+% pain reading through all the damn bogus ones.

You see some crazy $*@$ like


And get all excited...then you get the email back and it's a scam asking you to send like 3 G's overseas and somebody will mail you keys.
I just moved in to my new place on june 1st and I found it on craigslist. Its a newly renovated condo. I met up with the owner and saw the place I fell inlove. He didn't ask for a application, credit check, or deposit. He just asked for a background check which the homeowners association required. You haveto weed out the fake ads and if they don't put a picture and phone number in the ad then skip it.
me and my wife are subleasing the spot we're at for the summer, found it on craigslist. You just have to be really persistent, and check every day. I musthave sent over 50 emails, got about 12 responses, off bat hal were incompatible (not dog friendly, dates didn't work, etc) Took a solid 2 weeks.
Im renting my house from CL

place is awesome and the rent is dirt cheap for a fully redone inside with 4 bedrooms/2 full baths
I'm a real estate agent in New York and we get 90% of our business from Craig list. Email me if you want advice on finding a place or for me to help youfind one. I will give you the low down on what to stay away from. [email protected]
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