Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying' / Android recording everything you do

Carrier IQ references discovered in Apple's iOS

To date, the user tracking controversy surrounding Carrier IQ has focused primarily on Android, but today details are surfacing that the company also may have hooks into Apple's iOS. Well-known iPhone hacker Chpwn tweeted today that versions at least as recent as iPhone OS 3.1.3 contained references to Carrier IQ.

We were able to independently verify that at the very least, references to Carrier IQ's servers do exist within iPhoneOS 3.1.3 in a file located at /usr/bin/IQAgent. What exactly that binary is able to access or how it may communicate with either carriers or Carrier IQ is not yet known, though there are references to an IQAgent log on the device as well as references to

For versions 4.0 and up, Intell on MacRumors' forums has found similar references to the location within /usr/bin/awd_ice2, although we have not independently verified that yet. Again, no clear word on just what is or is not being tracked or collected.

The story is developing, with chpwn promising a post providing as many details as he's been able to uncover thus far, including the possibility that the code wasn't enabled by default in iOS. We should emphasize that all we can say for sure at the moment is that iOS definitely contained references to Carrier IQ — but given how the story has progressed thus far, we expect there will be more to report on soon.

Update: chpwn notes that initial research indicated that Carrier IQ's software may only be active when the iPhone is in diagnostic mode. We'll let you know when more details arise.

Thanks, nandreetta


This affect's everyone no one is singled out.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Here's a tip: don't do anything stupid or illegal. Problem solved. When I get a cell phone I just assume everything is getting tracked. You guys get worked up over things that don't affect you in any noticeable way.
Exactly how they want you to think. Hey we should just expect it.

It's not about doing anything stupid or illegal, it's having folks looking at your life piece by piece.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318
looking forward to seeing google's response.
This could be big. The masses aren't taking it well, obviously. Google, facebook, all these big companies are in on it.

It's crazy to think how little information they had 20 years ago compared to today. Google just started 13 years ago and they're already looking like Skynet.

I might just pop my SIM back into my old Samsung bar phone since I hardly use my phone for anything other than calls. I should stop using Chrome too.
Originally Posted by scshift

At this point, it's too much effort and I'm too lazy to even want to worry. Hopefully it never ruins my life, it's a waste of time to even care now 

if you dont want folks spying, dont get a cell phone or cop a nokia w/ snake on it...
Intelligence has been recording everything you do by ISP since the internet was birthed, on massive harddrives stored underground. Believe me or not, IDC. The internet was invented as a means for researchers and CIA agents to communicate with one another in the 50's or 60's. What do you expect?

Necessary evils that simply need to be overcame and not abused IMO.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

welp....hope they enjoy those pics chicks send me 

keep it real, fambs...
are you as cool in real life as you are on the internet?

alotta people lead that double life... cool internet guy, and wack real life guy...

but that's why i'm askin cuz you might be cool on th e internet and real life, fambs...


Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by trak1sh

Originally Posted by NyZiNFaMoUs

I wonder what they think about my pron selection.


this. Posted from my Evo 4G.


on another note, what web browser are you using where you can quote on NT?..

on my evo, i can t find a browser to do that at all.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Intelligence has been recording everything you do by ISP since the internet was birthed, on massive harddrives stored underground. Believe me or not, IDC. The internet was invented as a means for researchers and CIA agents to communicate with one another in the 50's or 60's. What do you expect?

Necessary evils that simply need to be overcame and not abused IMO.
I've heard this elsewhere too. Great.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by buggz05

Intelligence has been recording everything you do by ISP since the internet was birthed, on massive harddrives stored underground. Believe me or not, IDC. The internet was invented as a means for researchers and CIA agents to communicate with one another in the 50's or 60's. What do you expect?

Necessary evils that simply need to be overcame and not abused IMO.
I've heard this elsewhere too. Great.
Friends/family in the military. College - Web Programming 101.
dmbrhs wrote:
Here's a tip: don't do anything stupid or illegal. Problem solved. When I get a cell phone I just assume everything is getting tracked. You guys get worked up over things that don't affect you in any noticeable way.

Thats all fine and good but what about the part of them seeing your passwords and credit card info if you use mobile banking or pay for something with it , this is pure garbage and a complete flagrant violation of our freedom

EDIT: also I just started my own business recently and use mobile pay which is convenient for my customers and my self , news like this will likely make people much more sceptical to allow me to use that as an option
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by buggz05

Intelligence has been recording everything you do by ISP since the internet was birthed, on massive harddrives stored underground. Believe me or not, IDC. The internet was invented as a means for researchers and CIA agents to communicate with one another in the 50's or 60's. What do you expect?

Necessary evils that simply need to be overcame and not abused IMO.
I've heard this elsewhere too. Great.
Friends/family in the military. College - Web Programming 101.
Good to know. Things are looking more Patriots-esque every day.

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Here's a tip: don't do anything stupid or illegal. Problem solved. When I get a cell phone I just assume everything is getting tracked. You guys get worked up over things that don't affect you in any noticeable way.
Exactly how they want you to think. Hey we should just expect it.

It's not about doing anything stupid or illegal, it's having folks looking at your life piece by piece.

My issue with this thinking is that the internet isn't made up of your technology and it's not made up of my technology.
If we want to use someone else's &^%$ we have to pay taxes right?

If android wants to secretly sell our keystrokes to the government there's nothing stopping them because we're still using their phones.
It's wrong and it's lame that we have to expect invasion of privacy on the internet but there's an easy solution and that's to innovate a new network. Stop relying on other people's applied science and apply some science of your own.

Do you think us being privy to the fact that they're watching scares the government? Of course not, they're probably laughing at this thread
. What would scare them would be not being able to watch us at all


(that was definitely all a "join me" sublim in disguise so that everyone on NT will fall as deeply in love with the sciences as I have
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Here's a tip: don't do anything stupid or illegal. Problem solved. When I get a cell phone I just assume everything is getting tracked. You guys get worked up over things that don't affect you in any noticeable way.
Exactly how they want you to think. Hey we should just expect it.

It's not about doing anything stupid or illegal, it's having folks looking at your life piece by piece.

My issue with this thinking is that the internet isn't made up of your technology and it's not made up of my technology.
If we want to use someone else's &^%$ we have to pay taxes right?

If android wants to secretly sell our keystrokes to the government there's nothing stopping them because we're still using their phones.
It's wrong and it's lame that we have to expect invasion of privacy on the internet but there's an easy solution and that's to innovate a new network. Stop relying on other people's applied science and apply some science of your own.

Do you think us being privy to the fact that they're watching scares the government? Of course not, they're probably laughing at this thread
. What would scare them would be not being able to watch us at all


(that was definitely all a "join me" sublim in disguise so that everyone on NT will fall as deeply in love with the sciences as I have

I support you. I'm on the same tip as well. You have to be careful though, mighty suspicious = bigger eye from bigger brother. And that type of eye will not be in the form of an OS.
Originally Posted by NyZiNFaMoUs

I wonder what they think about my pron selection.

First thing I thought, when I read the title
. I have nothing to hide, but I understand the principle issue behind this.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by finnns2003

 Exactly how they want you to think. Hey we should just expect it. 

It's not about doing anything stupid or illegal, it's having folks looking at your life piece by piece. 

My issue with this thinking is that the internet isn't made up of your technology and it's not made up of my technology. 
If we want to use someone else's &^%$ we have to pay taxes right? 

If android wants to secretly sell our keystrokes to the government there's nothing stopping them because we're still using their phones.
It's wrong and it's lame that we have to expect invasion of privacy on the internet but there's an easy solution and that's to innovate a new network. Stop relying on other people's applied science and apply some science of your own. 

Do you think us being privy to the fact that they're watching scares the government? Of course not, they're probably laughing at this thread 
. What would scare them would be not being able to watch us at all 


(that was definitely all a "join me" sublim in disguise so that everyone on NT will fall as deeply in love with the sciences as I have 

I support you. I'm on the same tip as well. You have to be careful though, mighty suspicious = bigger eye from bigger brother. And that type of eye will not be in the form of an OS.
damn i couldn't have said it better. 
I mean honestly...

I think its worth calling these companies out on their privacy invasions so that they know we're paying attention...but honestly did you think that in using a system someone else created that they wouldn't peek into your life from time to time?

I mean I dont own a cellphone network...and I know the NSA is listening for key-words to trip the automatic recorder so it'd be pretty stupid to still use them all willy-nilly without trying to protect myself.

Its like the mob-boss they caught by tapping his cellphone...when it was turned off...
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Carrier IQ references discovered in Apple's iOS

To date, the user tracking controversy surrounding Carrier IQ has focused primarily on Android, but today details are surfacing that the company also may have hooks into Apple's iOS. Well-known iPhone hacker Chpwn tweeted today that versions at least as recent as iPhone OS 3.1.3 contained references to Carrier IQ.

We were able to independently verify that at the very least, references to Carrier IQ's servers do exist within iPhoneOS 3.1.3 in a file located at /usr/bin/IQAgent. What exactly that binary is able to access or how it may communicate with either carriers or Carrier IQ is not yet known, though there are references to an IQAgent log on the device as well as references to

For versions 4.0 and up, Intell on MacRumors' forums has found similar references to the location within /usr/bin/awd_ice2, although we have not independently verified that yet. Again, no clear word on just what is or is not being tracked or collected.

The story is developing, with chpwn promising a post providing as many details as he's been able to uncover thus far, including the possibility that the code wasn't enabled by default in iOS. We should emphasize that all we can say for sure at the moment is that iOS definitely contained references to Carrier IQ — but given how the story has progressed thus far, we expect there will be more to report on soon.

Update: chpwn notes that initial research indicated that Carrier IQ's software may only be active when the iPhone is in diagnostic mode. We'll let you know when more details arise.

Thanks, nandreetta


This affect's everyone no one is singled out.

You will do anything for attention

Whatever to help the cause right? No matter how far off you are what ever negativity you can find will help, even if it is on iOS 1.0 word to the aluminum back
its why i got rid of my iphone...............

I'am a Alex Jones / listener and he been preaching this since 08 - 09.....
I finally gave in this yr and switched to metro pcs with a regular non smartphone

conspiracy theorist speak about the "chip" , but what they dont realize that we have been conditioned via media to accept these chips that are with us 24 hrs a day(smartphones) osx/android ..we have FB, Twitter , etc and all of our thoughts contacts and plans are in one location.....

People look at me like Im crazy but hey , "you gonna learn today"
Originally Posted by devildog1776

its why i got rid of my iphone...............

I'am a Alex Jones / listener and he been preaching this since 08 - 09.....
I finally gave in this yr and switched to metro pcs with a regular non smartphone

conspiracy theorist speak about the "chip" , but what they dont realize that we have been conditioned via media to accept these chips that are with us 24 hrs a day(smartphones) osx/android ..we have FB, Twitter , etc and all of our thoughts contacts and plans are in one location.....

People look at me like Im crazy but hey , "you gonna learn today"
i cant do a non smart phone though 
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