Applying for a job online, chances of success?

Nov 27, 2005
Man, I've applied to Old Navy, Borders, NIKE, and FYE from the internet. I've also turned in paper applications to Levi's and Nautica. I reallyneed a job. Just wonderin if anyone has any success with online applying, cause what I hear from people I know, they never get called back.

I have no felonies
I have past work experience (1 job, assistant piano teacher)
No retail experience, though.
17, and currently workin towards a HS diploma.
Got a clean drivers license.

I hope I get a call back from anyone...ohh, I forgot bout Macy's..gonna do that now. What's the probability of any of these businesses giving me a drugtest? Urinalysis?
I stay in Civil Service jobs and every job I have ever had, I applied online. At worst, they called and told me to come in and put in a paper applicationsometimes.
I'm a sophomore in college with no retail experience, just some internships... i applied to old navy online and got a call back within two days... i guessit just depends on whether the store needs employees immediately
airkoh2002- since you got called after two days you applied online, did you ever get to work for them? Was there an interview, and if there was, how did youdress?
the bigger the company the more chances are that they dont do paper apps... i got my last 2 jobs applying directly on their websites... monster sucks...
At Macy's you have a MUCH better chance for employment if you go inside and use their computers to apply rather than if you do it at home online. I'vegotten emails back when using the online application, but had faster results when I used their in store system. (They actually are filed and receiveddifferently.)

For any and all of these places I would strongly suggest you go in and talk to a manager to at least let them know you have applied and want to make sure theyreceived it. Remember to be dressed halfway decent (at least slacks and a tucked in polo) and seem really interested in the position. Good Luck!
sucks, applied for finishline about 100 times and nothing. A lot of places actually make you sign up online at home now.
Basically the hiring manager called me and asked me a few questions... he asked me why I wanted to work at old navy and also how long I would be able to workfor... i told him i can only work till july, which ended up badly cause he told me hes looking for someone who can work long-term part time, someone who'dwork at least a year with them... so my advice to u is to tell the hiring manager u can work long-term and once u get the job and u gotta quit, just bouncee...dont tell them u can only work a few months...
Originally Posted by airkoh2002

Basically the hiring manager called me and asked me a few questions... he asked me why I wanted to work at old navy and also how long I would be able to work for... i told him i can only work till july, which ended up badly cause he told me hes looking for someone who can work long-term part time, someone who'd work at least a year with them... so my advice to u is to tell the hiring manager u can work long-term and once u get the job and u gotta quit, just bouncee... dont tell them u can only work a few months...

exactly the manager tricked u
i just put in a bunch on online apps last week everywhere from nike outlet to JC Penny to Borders. Monday I'm going into the stores I'm reallyinterested in to talk to the managers to check up on my app.

My mom always tells me to stay on top of an application if you really want the job. Go see the manager, call them a few days later. The point is for them toremember you when they call people for interviews.
Originally Posted by TW3EK

the bigger the company the more chances are that they dont do paper apps... i got my last 2 jobs applying directly on their websites... monster sucks...
I half-way agree about the Monster comment. The good thing about Monster (when applying with big companies) is that if you pay attention to the emailthat is listed nine times out of 10 it goes directly to the person who is hiring, and if you send an email from your personal e-mail address and not throughmonster you can have success. Also it will give you a name and from there you can call into their offices and ask to speak with that person, which will put youahead of the line as far as other applicants go. Monster and Careerbuilder (the only two i've used) can be good if you put in a little extra work.
gotten a few interviews from applying online at places like Walgreens, Hollywood video, Albertsons, etc. got a job with circuit city when I applied online, butthey only took online applications. from what I overheard when I was at one interview they actually count your answers on the questions they ask online, andthat it actually decides whether they'll receive your application or not based on your score on those questions, could be just that store that does it ormaybe everyone else.
I applied online for my job. It had this long questionnaire of 'what would you do' type situations. I wouldn't be surprised if what dont bea menace said is true - if you don't answer the questions how they want you to, that they will simply discard your application.
My old job, Rite Aid, actually has phone applications, including a questionaire. I got a "hook up" to get the job my first time. However, after awhile of not working with them, I was out of the system and had to apply again. This time, my Aunt, who is the Pharmacist and my "hook up" told me toapply over the phone this time, and she'll handle the rest. I didn't even pass the questionaire and was immediately denied.

I really don't like all of these impersonal ways of applying for jobs. And I really NEED a job this summer.
Originally Posted by airkoh2002

Basically the hiring manager called me and asked me a few questions... he asked me why I wanted to work at old navy and also how long I would be able to work for... i told him i can only work till july, which ended up badly cause he told me hes looking for someone who can work long-term part time, someone who'd work at least a year with them... so my advice to u is to tell the hiring manager u can work long-term and once u get the job and u gotta quit, just bouncee... dont tell them u can only work a few months...

Yea thats Rule#1.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I applied online for my job. It had this long questionnaire of 'what would you do' type situations. I wouldn't be surprised if what dont be a menace said is true - if you don't answer the questions how they want you to, that they will simply discard your application.

almost ALL retail spots have that... 3 scoring places are red yellow and green...
green means u passed wit flyin colors and can b called back... yellow can still b hired as well... red means u failed... after i got hired atfinishline after doin about 14 or so apps(which they still had on file cuz they come in as emails)... i passed all of em... they told me it was because i usedstrongly agree or strongly disagree most of the time... they said that if u just use agree or disagree ur indecisive...

im dead serious...
if u apply online the employer would probably call if they are despirate, for me i applied twice online, one for some online dealer, and one for an acuradealer. i got called from both of them and had interviews for both, the online dealer didnt want me cuz i was too young, but i did get hired at an acura dealeras a porter.
Originally Posted by sunshine734

i just put in a bunch on online apps last week everywhere from nike outlet to JC Penny to Borders. Monday I'm going into the stores I'm really interested in to talk to the managers to check up on my app.

My mom always tells me to stay on top of an application if you really want the job. Go see the manager, call them a few days later. The point is for them to remember you when they call people for interviews.

Stay on top of the application, huh? My cousin told me to call the places I sent a paper application to (Nautica, Levi's) a few days later, and checkup on my app. I'm just thinkin, what exactly should I say when I call them to check up on the app?
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