April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Dana looks so much better when they're not backstage shooting her makeup on with a shotgun.

And ummmm....is them having Dana cut a self-loathing, self-depreciating, extremely pro-WWE promo supposed to endear her to the fans?
They're just happy to be there!
Lemme get that friend code later. I have tennis and smash too.

Yeah Tetris 99 is hard. I have like a 5% win rate. They got me practicing t-spins so I can get better :lol:

I got u. Mines is 1708-4268-5009

And bruh i played Tetris 99 like 4 times & was confused af about all the extra outside ish since they never explained any of it :rofl:
That twisting Samoan drop was reckless as hell and about 2 inches from snapping Dana's neck or cracking her skull

Yes. She was having slightly more difficulty (than usual with other opponents) throwing Dana around
and should have taken a bit more time to set up that move...barely cleared Dana's head.
Yes. She was having slightly more difficulty (than usual with other opponents) throwing Dana around
and should have taken a bit more time to set up that move...barely cleared Dana's head.

Ronda didn't even secure her head/arm in the normal Samoan drop setup, she just had Dana's arm, and it was almost a disaster :sick:
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