April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021



Has anyone checked on R red is on nt

My meat already is too much for her jaw. She's used to moving it around and that kick is nothing compared to it. :evil:

Big Mandy has the least votes out of all winners so far :nerd:
She had no business winning in the first place.

A lot of this Mandy smack talk in the past couple of days. Y'all better pull up. Mandy Rose is a goddess.

@D Fly & the 718 truth the 718 truth Thank y'all for checking in for my well being. :pimp:
That promo had a lot of intensity but :rofl: the unintentional comedy was too much

This may be the first time I ever say anything nice about HHH but he's a pro since he didn't break character and start laughing. I feel like Hall & Nash would've started talking to each other and laughed in the ring:lol:
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