April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Won’t let me choose both :smh:
I miss the bigego24 bigego24 quotes
I miss assembling them for the NTWT gang. I may have to make an exception and make one for Mania. I’ll watch that just cause it’s an excuse to get a weekend day off. Plus I miss live posting with NTWT...
Dude is my hero.
He made things easier for the Eagles so I fully support Dave and his future endeavors... 2E4C9A88-CE50-4FCF-89EE-3DCA6FEEF091.jpeg
Browns franchise cursed way worse than the knicks

Cant wait to see the same ole videos of fans realizing its a different year same ****

You masking your bitterness with shade. That is all. F47CC359-F31A-4850-82C6-B3304A78D93A.jpeg
Loser leaves NT bet. @ihust1e
I doubt that will happen either way. Someone gonna F8D9421F-BB51-4C37-94A1-315F61E1D954.gif their way out of it.
You're telling me to pretty much pull up, right?

There was a NTWTer who used that line.

Other than that line, he was pretty much stale.

Forgot his username.
I remember washing both of y’all I’m feuds. BigEgo rarely takes L’s. 3EB067A4-6EB8-472B-928B-D5CE16A1F46B.png
Jules is dead man, let him Rest In Peace.
This. It was when I reduced him to calling me “Surfer Boy” due to me living in Cali. B03FDABE-4F52-44F4-8C33-AD35E1141E91.png
I’d say that too if I was DC’s *****.

And if I was destroyed, why was @King of Trash Style the one to change his gimmick and not me? Use a little common sense bruh cuz you sounding real salty.
With his eating habits he has high sugar and salt levels. 63D1C20F-D11B-4EE9-8CF4-4AAA0EB90E6D.gif
I see your memory is like your wrestling knowledge.....it sucks.
He shook. Just needs a few jabs and he’ll crawl into a ball and take his L. Truly the Curt Hawkins of NTWT
What up 22? How you living breh? And yeah, socks doesn’t need much to make him bend the knee. 38621454-8A5D-448A-9774-ABE7B04AC130.png
I miss assembling them for the NTWT gang. I may have to make an exception and make one for Mania. I’ll watch that just cause it’s an excuse to get a weekend day off. Plus I miss live posting with NTWT...


He made things easier for the Eagles so I fully support Dave and his future endeavors... 2E4C9A88-CE50-4FCF-89EE-3DCA6FEEF091.jpeg

You masking your bitterness with shade. That is all. F47CC359-F31A-4850-82C6-B3304A78D93A.jpeg

I doubt that will happen either way. Someone gonna F8D9421F-BB51-4C37-94A1-315F61E1D954.gif their way out of it.

I remember washing both of y’all I’m feuds. BigEgo rarely takes L’s. 3EB067A4-6EB8-472B-928B-D5CE16A1F46B.png

This. It was when I reduced him to calling me “Surfer Boy” due to me living in Cali. B03FDABE-4F52-44F4-8C33-AD35E1141E91.png

With his eating habits he has high sugar and salt levels. 63D1C20F-D11B-4EE9-8CF4-4AAA0EB90E6D.gif

What up 22? How you living breh? And yeah, socks doesn’t need much to make him bend the knee. 38621454-8A5D-448A-9774-ABE7B04AC130.png
Making bigego24 bigego24 quote tower>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Winning an Oscar
Summer Slam pay-per-view at Toronto's Scotiabank Arena has already sold out with 14,000 tickets gone, according to F4Wonline.com.
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