April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Big dude that can't really wrestle and is a mediocre promo. Everybody in here wanted him to be pushed to the moon though.

Lol this was entirely not the case around they time they SHOULD have pulled the trigger on him awhile back, but instead, he “was causing problems backstage”, stiffed Lesnar, got immediately stiffed back by Lesnar, then ate a pin from him in what may as well have been a squash match. He was done after that regardless of the good reactions he still gets.

Damn, Braun has gyno too. No wonder Vince wont let him be champ.
Big dude that can't really wrestle and is a mediocre promo. Everybody in here wanted him to be pushed to the moon though.

Let's be honest here, man. If Vince hadn't inexplicably turned him heel in the middle of that (no pun intended) monster run, just to keep Roman from getting booed, we'd be having a whole different conversation here. He had some crazy momentum, the crowds were OD hot for him, and Vince just crapped all over it.
Lol this was entirely not the case around they time they SHOULD have pulled the trigger on him awhile back, but instead, he “was causing problems backstage”, stiffed Lesnar, got immediately stiffed back by Lesnar, then ate a pin from him in what may as well have been a squash match. He was done after that regardless of the good reactions he still gets.
Let's be honest here, man. If Vince hadn't inexplicably turned him heel in the middle of that (no pun intended) monster run, just to keep Roman from getting booed, we'd be having a whole different conversation here. He had some crazy momentum, the crowds were OD hot for him, and Vince just crapped all over it.
I don't necessarily disagree with either of you. Wouldn't have been mad if they put the belt on him at that time either, given what was happening.

I personally just think he's kinda meh. Has some serious shortcomings.
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