April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

IT hasn't been bad at all. The crybabies in here have had an issue with IT though.

Besides this weeks raw they have been really solid. Move smooth and have good transitions as a tag. I dnt have a problem with them as a tag team. But would not make sense is that they win raw title and then lost to war machine at takeover.
EYE will try. This week is a bit crazy though. Work stuff throughout the week, then Opening Day on Thursday.

Finally convinced the fiancé to come to a wrasslin show with me. We'll be at SD on Tuesday.

No rush, brother.

It's just great to see fans who don't compare WWE to some dudes who wrestle in some dome in Tokyo and some "best friends" who are starting a promotion that has like 20 execs and can't even do a decent press conference right.
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