April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

With whiskey pong whiskey?

Come on bruv.

Do better.

You won’t tell Undertaker that’s “pong whiskey.”


They need to get rid of these dumb contract signings.

I guess this would be the one time I hope Cena goes over.

one of the most talented performers on the wwe roster and he is being wasted. gets more UUDD time than actual in ring
can't wait for him to leave wwe and work somewhere else that values him and knows his worth
would love to see
mattias clement vs shawn spears

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican i like Nomuras diving splash too, but I think it misses what the definition of a frog splash is.

Needs the mid-air propulsion move.

I also didn’t like that he used the Northern Lights Bomb essentially as a transition move to the splashes, especially when his finisher is a much weaker move.

Other than that, the match was aces. A true star performance from Nomura
one of the most talented performers on the wwe roster and he is being wasted. gets more UUDD time than actual in ring
can't wait for him to leave wwe and work somewhere else that values him and knows his worth
would love to see
mattias clement vs shawn spears


He's at best a low midcarder on any company.
He started complaining as soon as he got to the main roster.

I hope they cut ties with him, he's dead weight.

Now what is Nia? :nerd:
Vince gave up on him after 2 matches with Dolph Ziggler and Fashion Files got over so they moved it to wwe.com and moved him to Raw to be a jobber
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