April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Baemella just getting people talking , but I appreciate you fam!
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Yea me and wifey were on a huge hgtv and foodnetwork kick for a few years I think I burned myself out of it for a while but I gradually watch from time to time , pretty much how it is with wwe now ...just binged watch good girls on Netflix and while the writing is pretty cringy from time to time not a bad show at all and Christina Hendricks is very much appreciated :evil: gotta finish YOU also
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Any suggestion on where to start?
The show isn’t really linear outside of a few two-part episodes, so you could really start wherever you want. I like when Stabler/Benson are partners, so anything in the first 12 seasons is good. The newer episodes are good too.

It’s basically like if a season of True Detective (or something similar) was wrapped into one hour long episode.
Yea me and wifey were on a huge hgtv and foodnetwork kick for a few years I think I burned myself out of it for a while but I gradually watch from time to time , pretty much how it is with wwe now ...just binged watch good girls on Netflix and while the writing is pretty cringy from time to time not a bad show at all and Christin Hendricks is very much appreciated :evil: gotta finish YOU also
Me and my girl just finished You very good show that ending :wow:
But it's true.
Like @Peep Game said, she WAS blonde. And was for most of her career until recently and held the Women's title while being blonde. So it's pretty funny she mentions that.
She's a second generation wrestler. Even if her dad was enhancement talent, she still came from a legacy
And she "parachuted" from being a pro cheerleader. She was a Laker girl.

Damn!!! Mamba ain playing around today!
“As hard as I trained, as hard as I prepared, I lost. Something’s missing and until I figure out what, I can’t wrestle. I’m just not motivated now. I don’t have the confidence to guarantee victory so I don’t have a problem with Suzuki Gun challenging next. I won’t do Fantastica Mania, and it’s possible I may miss New Beginning as well while I form a concrete plan of what to do next. I devoted all of 2016 to taking the belt at the Dome. That not coming true means I have to rethink everything.”

Kenny Omega in 2017

It was pretty funny and telling how Kenny kept coming with these vague “I need to find myself” type comments and then directly after, the njpw president was like yeah Kushidas contract is up and he’s gone after the 31st.
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