April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Don't know what to make of the Bruce going back to WWE news..I'd be more excited if the news was that Paul E was taking over as head of creative..But maybe Trips and Bruce (both being fans of classic story telling and more about wrestling matches than half hour promos) will be a good match that can make some changes..Add in all the new blood they got backstage as producers and it could be some better tv coming our way..
But realistically I'm sure it won't make a bit of difference.. #AEW4LYFE

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Nice to see where the Prichard hire goes. Hope he helps just storyline wise.

Watched Dream vs Johnny wrestling and that was a good match. Also Strong vs Black was good too can’t wait to see him go for the NA title at some point this year.

Watched NXT UK as well and that Walter dude is interesting. Also that chop:sick:
Walter should be destroying Brock in the main event of WM instead of Seth pulling off a “shocking upset”..
Seth is cooling off right now because there's literally no main event scene on Raw and he's not a great face promo
Isn't he also injured? So he can't have matches either?
Yeah but even before he got injured, it felt like he was cooling off. When he won the Rumble there were many other things people were talking about. The story doesn't feel as important as it should.
I was trying to figure out who was better skipping NXT needed to be an NXT to elevate the character or wrestling. Like Drew McIntyre AJ Styles. I I think guys like Samoa Joe EC3 Walter Keith Lee could have gone straight 2 main roster.

Kind of sucks we don't get that really anymore big debut would be dope I kind of miss that
Good morning, NTWT!

Thank y'all for showing my girl some love, late last night and into the morning.


Seth unfortunately isn't a big deal right now, cause of his opponent, injury, and being a face just doesn't suit him properly.
Walter should be destroying Brock in the main event of WM instead of Seth pulling off a “shocking upset”..

Let’s slow that down Case, Walter might hit the main roster and end up teaming with Fandango or R-Truth and heavily involved in comedy
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