April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Bout to wash me some yams :wink:

Saw it last night. Thought it was REALLY good. Dude in front of me stood up and said "man, that was shtty" though, so who knows lol.
6 out of 8. Although, tried to hard to make an emphasis on the 90’s period. And took Brie some time to make me believe her. Think she’ll be better in Endgame.
6 out of 8. Although, tried to hard to make an emphasis on the 90’s period. And took Brie some time to make me believe her. Think she’ll be better in Endgame.

I was amazed at how perfectly they nailed the 1995 Era. Not one thing was out of place including the music.
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