April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Arm Chair Booker

Big E gets on Kofi for being a sucka and remaining "professional" throughout all of this and eventually turns on he and Woods. (If you are going the break them up route).

Big E is frustrated with Kofi being a company man and not advocating for himself
What is going on?

I'm sure there is some storyline here... but this is confusing. Should of had Vinny come out and cut his heel promo then send out Bar.
Mandy's "cakes" aren't nearly as impressive when she's not twisting her body, arching her back, standing on her tip toes, and wearing overly tight bottoms that for the fat in her butt to poke out the bottom..

You speaking gospel Brother Case.

Klandy a grand wizard with the numerous angles.
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