Aqua VIII vs. Playoff VIII

got both
but would probably go with the aquas
AQUA's. Im selling my playoffs as we speak. Just wasnt feeling them without the red stitching on the top heel.
The Aquas give me the feeling of Nostalgia 1992-93 all over again. Otherwise, I am a big fan of the VIII my grails in all the colors but the Aquas are a mustfor collectors.
i'm not a huge fan of the 8's but these are my two favorite colors and between the two of them, I voted for the playoffs b/c I really like bullscolorways of Jordans

The aquas are very nice to but for some people the colorway is a little off for there style.
The playoffs has an original color (Black,Red,White) so it will fit better for some people.
Aquas by a landslide. Don't get me wrong. I love the Playoff Jordan 8's, but the Aqua 8's are just incredible. Grail status kicks..and watch thevalue of these go up the roof in about 4-5 years.
Aquas. To me they make a loud statement. Black/red or any combination of it seems like such a generic colorway simply based on the fact that MJ played for thebulls. It's shoes like the aquas, hares, and bordeauxs that give fans a nostalgic feeling. They were so out of the norm and it was good to see MJ step faroutside box and create an even bigger statement and hype than just having his own signature shoe.
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