Are athletes overpaid? (debate for class)

I had the same topic back in highschool. No they are not overpaid. For the amount of many they make for their leagues, they are getting paid a fair amount.
id rather give school teachers, police officers, firefighters, etc..... millions to do what they do
I hear what you are saying and those people you mention contribute a lot, but unfortunatley that's not how the world works. Lets be honestif teachers were paid millions of dollars guess what everybody would be going to school for. Are all of us then going to get paid millions of dollars when weget that teachers liscense? Then where is this money going to come from? Are only families with money going to be able to send their kids to elementary/highschool? Or are they going to start selling engraved apples with your favorite teachers name? Lets face it we can all go to school to become teachers, but weall can't go to school and get Kobe's fadeaway.
YESS! I love sports but the fact is, these guys are getting paid for childhood games.
You're right these are childhood games but guess what, people like you and me pay to watch these games. The money is there and if the athletesdon't get their share where is the money going to go?
Yes, but only because they make like 5x more than teachers/police officers/firefighters. if the group listed before was actually paid more, then I woulddisagree but they arn't soooo....
no they are not overpaid

the reason they get paid so well is because few people have the skill to do what pro athletes are able to do

teachers, firefighters, cops and many other meaningful jobs SHOULD get paid more but far more people can do those jobs than play professional sports

its all about supply and demand and the supply of top tier athletes is much less than demand
some are....generally speaking, no, because they have a skill that not many people have, or they are MUCH better at their sport than everyone else...low supplyof great players+high demand for marketable athletes=$$$$
not at all

i hate how people say this

people act like a teacher gets paid such a %#+%#* amount while people in the NBA are making millions...

I mean people assume that all the talent is just natural. i mean if anybody had ANY idea of how hard these athletes had to work their entire lives to get thatgood than there should be no debate. If they work that hard to get that good, than their work should be paid off. And i mean they are always in the publicspotlight because people enjoy watching them so $ off endorsements and #!!$ is inevitable.
I see what everybody is saying, how "very few can do what they do," etc. but still, I think sports represents everything that is wrong in oursociety. We would rather pay 3000 dollars a game to see "Kobe Bryant" Dunk a basketball than pay that money to people who miight not even deserve it,but they sure as hell deserve it more than athletes do.

But there is no shame in accepting that money, its not the athletes fault and nobody is wrong for striving for where the money is at
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

I see what everybody is saying, how "very few can do what they do," etc. but still, I think sports represents everything that is wrong in our society. We would rather pay 3000 dollars a game to see "Kobe Bryant" Dunk a basketball than pay that money to people who miight not even deserve it, but they sure as hell deserve it more than athletes do.

so? its not about how people spend their money. if they decide to buy $3000 seats, oh well. same as they decide to buy $300 jeans or $1000 shoes. peoplespend their money on things they don't need all the time. that money would be better off donated, but not everyone will do that.

don't blame sports for 'everything wrong in our society'.
I hear what you are saying and those people you mention contribute a lot, but unfortunatley that's not how the world works. Lets be honest if teachers were paid millions of dollars guess what everybody would be going to school for. Are all of us then going to get paid millions of dollars when we get that teachers liscense? Then where is this money going to come from? Are only families with money going to be able to send their kids to elementary/high school? Or are they going to start selling engraved apples with your favorite teachers name? Lets face it we can all go to school to become teachers, but we all can't go to school and get Kobe's fadeaway.
This is the real reason they arent underpaid compared to teachers or cops. I really dont even see how you can have an argument for the other sideeither.

Teachers more or less are a commodity. If they were paid a million dollars it wouldnt last because the market would never clear at million dollars because itis to easy to become a teacher.

Athletes on the other hand. There are less then 1000 people in the world good enough to just PLAY in these leagues. when you are a select few out of 6 billionplus people guess what? Your skills are worth alot of money as long as people are willing to pay those ticket prices.

You want to compare them to another profession? Compare them to something that is as competitive as professional sports.
Well, in perspective actors don't do half as much as Ballers, and yet they get paid millions. I'm sure and Baller if he had the chance to make millionsjust by memorisring a couple of lines, they'd jump on it in a hot sec. Also Atheletes bodies dont usually do to well once 50 or 49 hits in. So i guessthats why and half the time most of them are usually broke by then anyways.
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Well, in perspective actors don't do half as much as Ballers, and yet they get paid millions. I'm sure and Baller if he had the chance to make millions just by memorisring a couple of lines, they'd jump on it in a hot sec. Also Atheletes bodies dont usually do to well once 50 or 49 hits in. So i guess thats why and half the time most of them are usually broke by then anyways.
That is so silly. You do not make millions from just memorizing lines. Anyone can do that. Acting is a skill that not many people have that and thefact that movies generate millions and millions of revenue is why they are paid millions.

You dont think actors practice? and do research into their roles? come on now.
Think about it this way, If Jerry Buss can afford to pay Kobe $15M+ a year, how much is he making? So in the grander scheme of things, Kobe is getting his faircut for all the money he brings in for Jerry Buss.
This is such a stupid topic. I really hate to bring the race card into this, but does anybody ever say actors and entertainers are overpaid? Or arebusiness tycoons overpaid? Why is it always athletes and ball players being singled out for this topic. They're not the only ones that make millions ofdollars in this world. Why doesn't anybody ever say the owners are overpaid? They're the ones that make the billions just for putting together a sportsteam.
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Well, in perspective actors don't do half as much as Ballers, and yet they get paid millions. I'm sure and Baller if he had the chance to make millions just by memorisring a couple of lines, they'd jump on it in a hot sec. Also Atheletes bodies dont usually do to well once 50 or 49 hits in. So i guess thats why and half the time most of them are usually broke by then anyways.

I gree with that. Like i said athletes are in no way overpaid because of how hard they have to work to get that good, and people enjoy watching them so itis no doubt they will make their money. On the othe hand actors may be, they dont work half as hard as ballers and dome just get paid because they are goodlucking. But they are in the national spotlight so it is no doubt they will get paid.
Rookies are definitely overpaid..(see Matt Ryan)
Kevin Mawae(sp) that you? I don't hate or really complain about what the next man is bringing in. If somebody will pay you that type ofmoney why not get that money. No I don't think they are overpaid most people are just
that what they did/do for nothing cats is making crazy money off of.

Yes, but only because they make like 5x more than teachers/police officers/firefighters. if the group listed before was actually paid more, then I would disagree but they arn't soooo....
This is and always would be a stupid argument to me cause they don't bring in what entertainers bring in so where would all this money comefrom. What now we going to have people copping teacher used gradebooks and stuff? Obviously I'm joking but you get the point. If you don't watch TheProgram and read Think and Grow Rich I think you'll get it then.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Well, in perspective actors don't do half as much as Ballers, and yet they get paid millions. I'm sure and Baller if he had the chance to make millions just by memorisring a couple of lines, they'd jump on it in a hot sec. Also Atheletes bodies dont usually do to well once 50 or 49 hits in. So i guess thats why and half the time most of them are usually broke by then anyways.

I gree with that. Like i said athletes are in no way overpaid because of how hard they have to work to get that good, and people enjoy watching them so it is no doubt they will make their money. On the othe hand actors may be, they dont work half as hard as ballers and dome just get paid because they are good lucking. But they are in the national spotlight so it is no doubt they will get paid.
Ok, so now we have a topic to compare to. Movies. That industry makes a fortune. So does any other sporting event.

We have seen how sports athletes have to literally have their lives shaped for them by the media. They have to sacrifice their lifestyles, etc, in order to dowhat they do. Its no different with movies. You see that any actor/actress must be a certain way, or the paparazzi will jump all over them. Hell, they have tochange their life to do what they do. One prime example is Heath Ledger. The man worked so hard to get into the part he was playing, that he had to be takingsix different drugs to just make his head straight, ultimately dying for the part he played.

It is a good comparison to both movies and sports. Both industries make a fortune, and the individuals on the spot are paid well.

So then, it comes down to, how much money do actors/actresses make from the overall income of the film. How much do NBA players make from the overall income ofthe organization. If we are looking at it that way, they dont make enough. But at the same time, compare these kind of industries to professional jobs likebeing a doctor, CEO of a company, etc. These guys will make ONLY six figure wages. However, we have an 18 year old person coming out of high school, ready tomake the minimum being six figures, which is most likely to go up drastically very soon. You look at the dude thatplayed Harry Potter (cant remember his name). Dude turned 18, and got his $150 MILLION just for turning 18.

Yes, these people do sacrifice alot to get this kind of money. And I agree, those people who are at the top of their field should get paid more than any other.But when you see people getting contracts for so much, it makes you believe that all athletes are overpaid.

Another reason why people think athletes are overpaid is because of the orgnizations they play for. Anybody looks at the Knicks, they (from what I remember),lost a few million last year. But yet, operating at a loss, still brought in 9 digit figures. People see that, see how bad the team is producing (no offenseKnick fans), and immediately think "they are overpaid" Thing is, compared to what the organization makes,they should be getting paid more. But immediately, when the overall society see's that a certain organization brings in so much money, and is near thebottom in their field, it makes the individual immediately think that athletes are overpaid; that they are paid by the success they have in their field.

Anyway, I dont really have a set opinion; I see both sides to the matter. I dont agree or disagree. Neutral it is for me.
Dunno how anyone could say that they are overpaid. What, you want even more money going to the owner's pockets?
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Well, in perspective actors don't do half as much as Ballers, and yet they get paid millions. I'm sure and Baller if he had the chance to make millions just by memorisring a couple of lines, they'd jump on it in a hot sec. Also Atheletes bodies dont usually do to well once 50 or 49 hits in. So i guess thats why and half the time most of them are usually broke by then anyways.

I gree with that. Like i said athletes are in no way overpaid because of how hard they have to work to get that good, and people enjoy watching them so it is no doubt they will make their money. On the othe hand actors may be, they dont work half as hard as ballers and dome just get paid because they are good lucking. But they are in the national spotlight so it is no doubt they will get paid.
Ok, so now we have a topic to compare to. Movies. That industry makes a fortune. So does any other sporting event.

We have seen how sports athletes have to literally have their lives shaped for them by the media. They have to sacrifice their lifestyles, etc, in order to do what they do. Its no different with movies. You see that any actor/actress must be a certain way, or the paparazzi will jump all over them. Hell, they have to change their life to do what they do. One prime example is Heath Ledger. The man worked so hard to get into the part he was playing, that he had to be taking six different drugs to just make his head straight, ultimately dying for the part he played.

It is a good comparison to both movies and sports. Both industries make a fortune, and the individuals on the spot are paid well.

So then, it comes down to, how much money do actors/actresses make from the overall income of the film. How much do NBA players make from the overall income of the organization. If we are looking at it that way, they dont make enough. But at the same time, compare these kind of industries to professional jobs like being a doctor, CEO of a company, etc. These guys will make ONLY six figure wages. However, we have an 18 year old person coming out of high school, ready to make the minimum being six figures, which is most likely to go up drastically very soon. You look at the dude that played Harry Potter (cant remember his name). Dude turned 18, and got his $150 MILLION just for turning 18.

Yes, these people do sacrifice alot to get this kind of money. And I agree, those people who are at the top of their field should get paid more than any other. But when you see people getting contracts for so much, it makes you believe that all athletes are overpaid.

Another reason why people think athletes are overpaid is because of the orgnizations they play for. Anybody looks at the Knicks, they (from what I remember), lost a few million last year. But yet, operating at a loss, still brought in 9 digit figures. People see that, see how bad the team is producing (no offense Knick fans), and immediately think "they are overpaid" Thing is, compared to what the organization makes, they should be getting paid more. But immediately, when the overall society see's that a certain organization brings in so much money, and is near the bottom in their field, it makes the individual immediately think that athletes are overpaid; that they are paid by the success they have in their field.

Anyway, I dont really have a set opinion; I see both sides to the matter. I dont agree or disagree. Neutral it is for me.

Again, that 18 year old has to change his life once he signs that contract. He can't do ALOT of the things he used to be able to do. He can'teven eat certain foods, because he has to stay at a certain BF%. The thing about Heath Ledger, he wasn't popping pill sbecause of the movies, he became apill poppin animal becaus ehe was dating an olsen twin. Back to the topic Pro Atheletes make so much money because they have their lives change sodrastically.
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