Are breaks healthy for a relationship?

Dec 29, 2009
Just wondering for those who have been with their significant other for more than 3 years, is having a mutual break healthy for a relationship? Especially for those who are still in college?
If you are in college a break might be needed. Do not waste you college experience in a relationship that you think a break is needed.
Depends if you trust each other. If you trust your girl, you'll assume she's using her free time to spend more time with friends, to work more hours at her job, to read more, etc..

If you don't trust her, whenever you're not busy you'll be sitting around paranoid that some other dude is beatin' her guts while you're watching Sportscenter. If you're together for over 3 years, you should be close/mature enough to fix w/e issue you have that is leading to a "break"
Having the occasional quarrel or disagreement or argument is healthy so you can use better communication to deal with the issue at hand. A break can mean a break up for someone else, but the other person will think it's just some time off to blow some steam.

So, no.
Heck if I know. Makes me uneasy thinking about it. If my girl ever said "we need a break," I'd probably just consider it over and move on.
Nope. Lots of peoples mistake longing for sex with longing for the person. So many of my guy friends got back with their ex's simply because they got sexually frustrated playing the field. Maybe its different for girls tho
nope. cause someones gonna just get someone new and they will end up not wanting you...or maybe the opposite ..
Just break it off. Wanting a mutual break just means that both of you are in mutual denial of your mutual disintrest in each other.

Cut it off.
if it gets to the point that you think you need a break, its probably a sign that it wasn't meant to be. Don't fight it, just end the relationship.
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