Originally Posted by
Sik Wit It
Originally Posted by
^ maybe where you live, which is probably a very rich incorporated village/town or something like that. police, fire and other public jobs vary greatly by
their location. Like Sik said in Miami they get paid great and have benefits like crazy, they are one of the few professions left with a meaningful pension
plan. For police in Miami-Dade they are given a pension of the average of their last 5 years on the job so a lot of them take light duty, heavy OT details
their last 5 years just to bump the OT and cash out.
Sik Wit It wrote:
HyphySole wrote:
I rather do a job I enjoy and use my mind, than to have a physically demanding job for the rest of my life
thats a pretty ignorant thing to say, if u dont think firefighters 'use their mind' than i dont know what to tell you.
but i wouldnt expect much from someone with 'hyphy' in their name.
That's not ignorant at all, what hyphy means by using your mind is a job where you could be sitting at a desk all day, aka non-physical. Firefighters have
to make quick, life and death decisions, no doubt, but they are needed much more for their physical skill than mental.
I'm going into higher education, respectable pay and I will still be able to walk when I'm 60.
i understand that firefighting is generalized as being physical.... but trust me, there are plenty of FF that are still walking at 60. not to mention retired for 10 years already living comfy off of their pension plans. id much rather have a career that gives me a sense of pride and provides me with a story nearly every single shift, rather than getting into the same routine 9-5 job, that just doesnt sound like life, regardless of the paycheck. and alot of Departments, require you to have a 4 year degree if you plan on testing to become a Lieutenant or higher. so "higher education" is needed as well.
the fire academy was very physically demanding, but the book work/written tests were twice as hard. there is A LOT more to firefighting than just putting the water on the fire.
u ventilate a room full of heat/fire the wrong way, bye bye room.....
You're still not getting it... of course fire fighters have to be smart, but without their physical skills they cannot function and it's a physicallydemanding career. It doesn't matter what you think about a 9-5 desk job and I'm not trying to convince you of anything, just that it's not ignorantto say you'd rather work with your mind than your body (or you rather
not work with your body).
Different people prefer different careers and lifestyles, and if you were to say that a person working a routine desk job is not capable of living life to thefullest you would be being pretty insulting and actually somewhat ignorant.
And by going into higher education I mean academia not just that I'm getting advanced degrees, so stop trying to be slick by quoting phrases and thinkingyou're making a point.