Are Kanye's new songs growing on you exponentially?

hasn't grown on my much but i kinda like heartless and coldest winter.... i cant stand love lockdown and anyway for some reason
Originally Posted by Slaptastic

Lol, typical NT, you say its trash now, but when the album drop, 99% of you will cop. It's a proven fact.

Originally Posted by quik1987

In about a month many of you will be on this.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

So, you say...
i hated robocop the first time i heard it but it just stuck to me.. anyways has been my fav song... that is straight up crack..
No...but ive only heard heartless and love lockdown...when the album is up, ima give it a listen, then its most likely straight to the garbage bin but hey younever know
I liked them all from jump except the 1st first of love lockdown before he added the taiko drums. Robocop and Heartless
are my joints tho
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