Are the internet and mobile devices killing television?

I'm work on a computer 8 hrs a day. I really don't wanna come home for some r&r and put a laptop on me. My eyes will go bad before I'm 30.

Besides, I have company over quite a bit. I'm not going to have company over my place huddled over a damn laptop or desktop or one those big *** phones everyone has now (Samsung) watching some show I'm sure we've seen before.

For sports all my teams are local so there's no need for those premium sports channel (League Pass etc).
I have had no cable in the past two years. I download all the good shows like breaking bad and game of thrones. The only sport I watch is track and I just check out highlights on basketball and football which I do both on the web. I just got a new TV and it comes with one free year of netflix and hulu plus. So I'm set.

The current cable model is so outdated now that I only hope these newer toys (tablets, streaming, etc) help kill it off and finally they adjust it to benefit the customer. I'm obviously not holding my breath but this is the generation that is going to probably eventually force it.

Big Cable/Satellite knows we want to choose the channels we want at the prices we want. Networks won't allow them to do it this way and they hold them hostage so we the consumer have to keep paying for their useless channels. This has to eventually change.
a big screen and comfy couch will [COLOR=#red]ALWAYS[/COLOR] beat out watching content on a small laptop screen or mobile device.

what IS changing is WHEREwe get our content.

We're getting our viewing content more and more from the internet.

And more and more of that content is available to be viewed on TV's and set top boxes (cable box / DVR, video game consoles).

the internet is not killing television, it's REVIVING it. There will be more and more content to watch on the television.
The only time I watch TV is right before bed I'll peep what's on the dvr and then crash.. Unless it's footballpor bball season do I sit down and watch.. Sunday is pretty much all day football :pimp:
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actually OP, my answer is.....
mobile devices are killing people, not television.

its sad to see so many people in "social gatherings" not socializing but instead are looking at the device in their hand. Social skills and spelling are diminishing.

Contrary to what Time magazine says, I think the Millennials will be the end of the world.

peace out
I'm work on a computer 8 hrs a day. I really don't wanna come home for some r&r and put a laptop on me. My eyes will go bad before I'm 30.

Besides, I have company over quite a bit. I'm not going to have company over my place huddled over a damn laptop or desktop or one those big *** phones everyone has now (Samsung) watching some show I'm sure we've seen before.

For sports all my teams are local so there's no need for those premium sports channel (League Pass etc).

You do know you can play stuff from those devices on a tv right?
I'm work on a computer 8 hrs a day. I really don't wanna come home for some r&r and put a laptop on me. My eyes will go bad before I'm 30.

Besides, I have company over quite a bit. I'm not going to have company over my place huddled over a damn laptop or desktop or one those big *** phones everyone has now (Samsung) watching some show I'm sure we've seen before.

For sports all my teams are local so there's no need for those premium sports channel (League Pass etc).

You do know you can play stuff from those devices on a tv right?

Yes. Point is I don't want to once I'm home.
It seems that everyone's pretty much watching the same amount of TV, but were now streaming everything by choice instead of being force to watch programs that come up next or watching schedule TV shows while flipping through the channels.

Most of us have slimmed down TV, cut down the grey area of waste, by avoid commercials, and not waiting for a TV channel to play our episode. We just stream at will. 

So, like someone mentioned earlier, our internet capable devices are bringing us closer to TV, but giving us magician like precision.
I mostly use tv for sports.

Exactly! I only need TNT (NBA), ESPN, NFL Network, local and my regional sports channels. Everything else on TV are reality shows. Terrible that I have to pay for all these other channels that I don't even watch!
I goto Reddit/nt or local website for the news.
worst case someone will talk about it at work.

sports, I only watch the finals, which means I'm at the bar with friends.

the tv sitting behind me is a tube tv, and it's only for xbox.

This is me in a nutshell. I do own two flat screens but one is sitting in a basement collecting dust. The other is used for my Xbox/ PS3....

I do use my ipad for a lot of TV, and my brother has HBOgo so I pretty much stream everything thru his account.

I have been waiting for a cable company to go a la cart for a while now because I wouldn't mind paying for the services I use (Showtime Anytime, HBOgo, MaxGo etc.,) my ex and I share Netflix and Hulu accounts so I'm alredy doing this in a sense).
If you're streaming everything, then y'all must have one of the more expensive Internet plans your provider has to offer
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